Field Trip

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The day after the accident Bella and I return to school in time for the field trip our class is going on. Bella and I were walking towards one of the busses when Mike walks toward us.
"Look at you two huh. You're alive." Mike said with a chuckle.
"False alarm I guess." I shrugged. "Excuse me." Bella said before walking onto the bus.
"Um now I wanted to ask you, you know, if you know it's like a month away, but do you wanna go? To Prom with me?" Mike asks but I'm not fully paying attention. Emmett was standing directly behind him.
I remove my gaze from Emmett not missing his wink to look at Mike. "So, what do you think?" Mike asks."About what?" I asked not remembering what he was talking about.
"Do you wanna go to Prom with me? He asks again."I'm sorry I can't I'm going to Jacksonville that weekend but you should ask Jessica. She'd love to go with you." I said before walking onto the bus taking a seat next to Bella.
Bella and I get separated through the crowd of people and while trying to catch up to her I get joined by Emmett.
"What's in Jacksonville." He says bluntly walking beside me. "So you have inhuman speed, strength, and now hearing. Color me impressed." I said sarcastically.
"You didn't answer the question." He said and I rolled my eyes. "My long lost boyfriend." I answered sarcasm thick in my voice.
"You have a boyfriend?" He asked clenching his fists. "That was sarcasm you big bear." I said before walking towards Bella and Edward.
"Bella." I said as I joined her side. "And Edweirdo." I said and I could swear I saw him crack a smile before walking away.
"Zoe, Bella! Guess who just asked me to prom." Jessica said excitedly. "Who?" Bella and I asked together.
"Um Yeah I actually totally thought that Mike was gonna ask you Zoe. It's not gonna be weird though right?" She asked.
No. Zero weirdness." I said mimicking her. "You guys are great together." Bella said sending me a glare.
"I know right." Jessica said before walking away.
I walked away from Bella and toward the busses to look for my cellphone when Edward joined me.
"Edweirdo, what a pleasure." I said sarcasm laced in my voice. "Zoe." He said as we walked toward the bus.
"I just wanted to formally introduce myself but even if I did I feel like you would continue to use the nickname." He said and I smiled.
"I'm glad you're catching on buddy." I said before walking onto the bus to see Alice and Jasper sitting in the back.
I walk to the seat Bella and I were in and found my phone. I decided to just wait on the bus as the others were already walking back.
Alice quickly rose from her seat and joined me. "Uh-Hi." I said awkwardly.
"Hi I'm Alice." She introduces myself. "I'm Zoe." I said to her. "I know Emmett talks about you all the time and I just couldn't wait to meet you." She said smiling.
Bella steps on the bus and Alice stands up. "It was great meeting you." She said with a smile. "You too." I said back as she walked away.

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