Not so secretive secret

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I've never been one to enjoy school dances. Everyone I've ever been to has been more work than pleasure. Finding the perfect date, dress, and worrying about having a good time. It just wasn't something I believed was worth my time.
That's why Bella and I aren't going and we're just helping Jessica and Angela pick a dress. As the girls are trying on dresses Bella and I slip out because she wants to go to a book store.
She asks the tan man for a book on the legend's Jake told us about and it clicked. She was figuring out the Cullen's secret. I knew it wouldn't take her that long to figure it out, it's not like it was hidden well.
After Bella finished up at the book store it was already dark and we has to walk through an alley to get to the restaurant.
The group of men the hollered at the girls in the dress store appeared out of nowhere. There was so many of them and they were surrounding us. Some started grabbing me. "Hands off asshole." I spat shoving one of them.
Before Bella and I can even begin to fightback to cars come speeding towards us making the men back up.
Stepping out of each individual car Emmett and Edward stood glaring at the group. "Get in the cars!" Edward spat not tearing his eyes away from the guys.
Bella and I quickly follow his directions getting into the cars. Both Emmett and Edward nodded towards each other before getting into the cars.
"Hey Em." I say as he began driving. "Yeah Zoe." He said softly.
"I know." I said blunting making his eyes gaze over to me.
"Know what?" He asked. "I know everything. I know what you are your family are." I said and he let out a sigh.
"Are you afraid?" He asked afraid of her answer. "I feel like I should be afraid but for some reason I'm not." I said honestly.
"Is Bella safe with Edward?" I asked him. He nodded and I sighed. "Then can you please take me home?" I asked.
We soon pulled in front of my house. As the car came to I began to get out of the jeep when a hand cold as ice interlocked with mine. Exact opposite yet they seem to blend so beautifully together.
"I hope this doesn't change anything because I really like you." He says causing a smile to make it's way onto my lips.
"It doesn't." I said smiling. "And for the record I really like you too." I said stepping out of the car.
"Tell Edweirdo that Bella it close to figuring out your families big not so secretive secret." I said before walking into the house leaving a smirking Emmett.

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