First Day

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Bella and I pull into the parking lot of the school and I could already feel the stares of the everyone. As we were passing a boy boy who leaned against a van when he spoke. "Nice ride." The boy said sarcastically.
Bella was too shy to reply so I being the eldest twin did by closing the window. When Bella parked we walked side by side into the school when an Asian boy joined us. "You're Zoe and Isabella Swan right?" The boy asked and I nodded.
"Hi I'm Eric the eyes and ears of this place." He said walking beside us. "I'm Zoe and she's Bella." I introduced. "Um..If you two need anything, a tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on." He said and I cringed.
"Uh I'm really kind of more of a suffer in silence type." Bella explained. "Good title for your feature. I'm on the paper and you two are front news baby." Eric enthusiastically said.
"No we're not." Bella and I said in unison. "Woah." Eric said acting as if us speaking at the same time was strange.

After speaking to Eric it was time for Bella and I to go to gym class. Since we're both new Charlie talked the school into giving us the same schedule.
After getting changed Bella and I join a team and begin playing volleyball. Bella being the less athletic twin spikes the ball and hits a boy in the head. I follow after Bella as she walks over to apologize.
"I'm sorry. I told them not to let me play." She says as we reached the boy. When I met his eye I noticed he was already staring at me so I politely smiled.
"No, no, no that-that's, don't, you're Zoe and Isabella Swan right?" He stuttered out cause me to hold back a laugh.
"Yeah I'm Zoe and she's Bella." I said to the boy. "Yeah..Hey I'm Mike Newton." He says as he awkwardly shakes our hands.
A brunette jogs up to us breaking the awkward tension. "She's got a great spike huh." The girl says while glaring towards us. "I'm Jessica by the way." She says.
"Hey you guys are from Arizona right?" She asked and I shrugged letting Bella reply.
"Aren't people from Arizona suppose to be like really tan?" She asked causing me to scoff.
"Aren't fake nice girls suppose to at least pretend to be polite?" I said with a smirk.
"Yeah maybe that's why they kicked us out." Bella said ignoring my comment as the two begin to laugh at the awkwardness.
At lunch Bella and I met up with Mike and he kindly pulled out my chair and I sat down beside Bella. "Hey Mikey I see you met my home girls Zoe and Bella." Eric said as he sat down at the table.
"Your homegirls?" Mike questioned. "My girls." A guy said as he kissed both our cheeks before pulling Mike's chair out from under him causing Mike to chase him.
"Oh my god it's like first grade all over again." Jessica said with a fake smile before sitting beside Bella. "You two are the shiny new toys." She continued and I rolled my eyes.
Another girl walks to the table and using the camera in her hands to take a picture of Bella and I. "Sorry I need it for the feature." She apologizes. "Features dead Angela don't bring it up again." Eric said causing me to scoff.
"That's no way to speak to a lady." I said under my breath but Angela heard me and sent me a small smile.
"I'm Zoe." I said holding out my hand. "Angela." She said shaking my hand. As the three girls begin speaking I started to feel something. This may be cliche but it felt like a tether at my heart and butterflies in my stomach.
I move my head towards the door to the cafeteria as a group of people began walking in. "Who are they?" Bella and I asked at the same time.
" They're um Doctor and Mrs. Cullen's Foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska, like, a few years ago." Jessica explained.
"They kind of keep to themselves." Angela added. "Yeah cause they're like together together." Jessica bitterly said.
"The blonde one is Rosalie and she's a with Ian." Jessica said as the pair walked past. "And okay the little dark haired girl is Alice she's like really weird and she's with Jasper, the blonde who looks like he's in pain." Jessica continued.
"A name is fine, no need to add an insult." I said causing Bella to send me a look. "Dr. Cullen is like foster dad/matchmaker." Jessica said ignoring my comment.

"What about them." Bella and I said together again. "That's Emmett and Edward Cullen. They're totally gorgeous obviously but apparently nobody here's good enough for them. Like I care." Jessica said and I laughed.
"Totally sounds like you don't care." I said my eyes not leaving Emmett's frame. "Seriously don't waste your time." Jessica continued and I smirked moving my gaze to her.
"I wasn't planning on it." Bella said and I added to it. "Same. Maybe I'll waste my time on Mike." I said with a smirk placed on my lips unaware to my Emmett was clenching his fists annoyed with the thought of his mate with another.

Mike walks Bella and I to our next class and introduces us to the teacher. When Bella walks in front of the fan I can see Edward clenching his fist as if he was in pain. He looked ill, he looked insane.
As the teacher gives us our books and new seats I make my way to the back of the room to sit beside Emmett and Bella gets stuck sitting with Edweirdo. Honestly that should be his name it suits him.
I take my seat beside a smirking Emmett causing a smile to make it's way to my lips. "I'm Emmett Cullen." He said still smirking.
"Zoe Swan." I said smiling. Oddly his voice alone made me smile it brought light to the rainy days in Forks.
After school Bella and I see Edweirdo failing to switch his classes and his overly dramatic exit of the office. "Drama Queen." I say to Bella before walking towards the truck with Bella trailing behind me.

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