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The three vampire's walked out of the hotel room and Bella went into her room to begin packing. My phone started to ring so I walked over to it and answered.
"Hey mom. What are you doing him?" I asked her. "Zoe? Zoe? Bella? Where are you?" My mother spoke frantically into the phone.
"Relax mom everything's fine." I said taking a deep breath. "Zoe? Bella?" My mother asked again completely ignoring my statement.
"I'll explain everything later just calm down." I promised before I heard movement on the other line.
"Mom are you there?" I asked only for another to respond. "Forks High School doesn't protect it's student's privacy very well." James said into the phone.
"It was just too easy for Victoria to find your precious address." He said into the phone making my legs feel limp.
"It's a nice house you have here. I was prepared to wait for you but then your mom came home after receiving a very worried call from your dad. It all worked out quite well" James said.
"Don't touch her. I swear if you-" I quietly yelled into the phone. "What could you possibly do? You seem to forget that you're only human. I can kill you in a second." He said and I smirked.
"You wanna bet." I said smirking. "Yeah I quite like this little game." He replied.
"You can still save her. But you're gonna have to get away from your friends and sister. Can you handle that?" He asked. "Where are we meeting." I said quickly.
"How about your old ballet studio? And I'll know if you bring anyone along poor mommy would pay the price for that mistake. I'll see you soon Zoe." James taunted before ending the call.
I don't think I've ever moved so quickly before I knew it I was in the elevator and sneaking passed the Cullen's.
I got outside quickly and hailed a cab giving directions to my ballet studio. I knew how this would go. I've seen it on repeat for the last fifteen minutes.
I will go there, he will bite me, I will become different. I will join Samuel in his pack but also side by the Cullen's. In the terms of war I'll remain a neutral party.
James had my mother and I just hope that she somehow makes it out of this mess. This isn't her world, hell I wasn't even apart of this world until I met Emmett and honestly I would accept this fate a million times over to keep Emmett in my life.
As the cab pulled in front of studio I quickly handed the driver money before jogging into the studio. When I walked in I was instantly surrounded by walls of mirrors and I looked around for James.
"Zoe? Bella? Zoe? Where are you?" I heard my mom call out. "Mom." I called out walking further into the room. I heard her call out again this time in a supply closet.
"There you are." I heard my mother say as I opened the door. I saw a tv and it was playing a video of Bella and I when we were kids.
"What are you two doing in here?" Mom said on the video. "Mom, we suck." Young Bella and I said at the same time. "You're both wonderful dancers." She said rubbing our backs.
"You obviously weren't paying attention then." Young me said sassily causing James to laugh.
I turned to see his many reflections. "That's my favorite part. You were a stubborn child, weren't you?" James said smirking.
"Two points for creativity." I said sarcastically as his reflections circled around me. James came from out of the mirrors and moved my hair behind my ear before shoving me against the wall.
"Sorry you know, you really made it too easy. So to make things more entertaining. I'm gonna make a little film of our time together." He said holding up the camera.
"I'm not one to film a porno sorry. You should try the red head though." I said and his smirk dropped as he grabbed my throat and held me against the wall.
"I borrowed this from your house. I hope you don't mind." He said shoving the camera in my face. "And action." He yelled.
I just ignored the camera staring straight into his red eyes. "Is that how you want Emmett to remember you?" He said and I snapped.
"This has nothing to do with him." I yelled. "Oh but he does." James sang and and I glared.
"His rage will make for more interesting sport than his feeble attempt to protect you." James leaned closer to my neck.
"Aren't you going to beg for your life?" He asked. "I'm not much of a beggar." I said with a twisted smirk
"Don't you want him to avenge you?" He asked hoping for a reaction. "Nope." I said hoping the p.
"You're really starting to piss me off." James said before he sunk his fangs directly into my neck. After a second he pulled them out and placed his hands in front of his mouth.
That's when things started getting hazy. I was feeling things I never knew where possible. I felt myself growing bonds and characteristics that come with being a werewolf. I felt my gums burn as fangs began to grow out of them and then my human side took over and I blacked out.

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