Chapter 1

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"Wake up motherfucker. Wake up motherfucker" my phone kept playing over and over again.

God I don't wanna get up I don't wanna go to school. I always got made fun of at my old school, sometime I even got beat up. My mother got tired of it so we moved.

"Frank, honey, get up you have to go to school," my mother yelled. "And change that alarm tone of yours!"

I muttered curses to myself as I got up and dressed. I ate a pop tart and ran to the bus. 'Fuck this is going to be the most awkward moment of my life,' I thought.

When I got on the bus I sat in the first seat and put in my ear buds. When people got on they gave me strange looks and kept on going. Probably the fact that I'm wearing eyeliner,a band tee, and skinny jeans. Then this one kid got on and he still gave me a weird look but a different one than the others. I was probably in his seat so I just patted the spot next me and he raised an eyebrow, but sat down anyway. All the way to school I would see him looking at me in the corner of my eye, but he didn't notice.

When we were at school I had to try and find my locker. Fuck this is gonna be hard. 223 "There it is." I said when I finally saw it. On my way over to it someone pushed me and called me an emo, which didn't bother me.

When I finally got to my locker I heard someone say emo and faggot but they weren't talking to me. I turned and saw the boy from on the bus he was trying to ignore them but it didn't work.

"Hey emo faggot, you gonna go cut in the bathroom. No one is gonna notice your not here. No one cares. No one will miss you." the bully went on and on but finally the boy from the bus said something that made him shut up.

"I know one person cares. I know one persons gonna notice. And I know one person will miss me even if he won't admit it." the boy said.

"Oh who, your boyfriend?"

"No," the boy said. "My brother. I know he won't admit it but he will. I was his best friend."

"Your brother? Mikey?" He asked in utter disbelief. "He doesn't care. He hates you. He hates that you're his brother. He even told me. Now stop lying. It's time for you to shut up." with the bully saying that he punched the boy in the mouth and ran away.

"OH MY GOD. ARE YOU OKAY?" I yelled as I ran over to him. He shook his head no. I helped him up and he pointed to were the nurse was.

When we got into the nurses office as soon as she saw the boy she yelled "Oh my gosh Gerard. What happened? Who did it this time?" he couldn't answer then she saw the blood all over his chin and hand. "Oh Gerard, you don't have to tell me who it was I know you won't," then she turned to me. "What's your name did you see who did this?"

"I'm Frank and I'm new so I don't know who it was but I saw him hit Gerard so I helped him get here." after I said that the nurse wiped the blood of Gerard and I looked at him he had his hair in front of his face and smiled. That's weird, I never smile.

"Well Gerard, you can go, he only split your lip, again, and would you be a doll and help Frank to his classes? Here's a pass."

He shook his head yes, I imagine his mouth, and we went back to my locker, got my schedule, and went to class we missed all of first period, but oh well it was only math. And I know this sounds stupid but all my classes except math I have with Gerard.

Finally the last bell rang and I finally got to leave. I ran out of the class like there was no tomorrow, strait to my locker, and waited for Gerard to show me where the bus was. He finally got his stuff and we went to the bus.

"Gerard?," I asked as we sat down he gave me a look that said 'go on'. "Who's Mikey? I mean I know he's your brother but is a popular or what?"

"Frank. My brother is a complicated subject. He just changed when he got to high school. He gets the girls even some boys which he doesn't talk about because its was a 'phase' or so he calls it. But now he's a dick and hates me because I'm an 'emo faggot' and pretends I don't exist anymore."

"Well that's just rude. Gerard I wouldn't do that if I was your brother. Well, if he pretends you don't exist how about you come to my house. My mom will know you exists and give us cookies!" I emphasized cookies. Wow, I'm almost 17 and I'm getting excited over cookies.

He said he thought it was a good idea and he got of at my house. I told my mom that I had a friend over and she said -as I expected- that she would make cookies.

We sat in my room and talked about music and stuff. Then we ate the cookies my mom made.

I turned my head to say something and he looked at me. I looked right into his eyes on accident. God, his eyes there so beautiful. I opened my mouth but then soon closed it. He turned his head in what I thought was confusion, but then he slammed his lips into mine. Holy crap this can't be happening. Fuck, he's a good kisser. Wait, no, I'm strait. Then he pulled away and I was in shock but he must have thought I didn't like it be cause he got up and ran.

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