Chapter 13

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So, this has many reads. Wow I thought this sucked a lot. Thanks (for the memories even tho they weren't so great).


*****Gee's P.O.V.*****

"Well, Gerard. Let's go see what's wrong with you." Frank's mom said. I'm fucking terrified right now. I could be like dying or something. Oh god. What if I am?

     As soon as we got in the car I started to hyperventilate at the thought.

     "Hey, Gee. Calm down. It's okay. You're gonna be okay, baby." Frank said as he pulled me into a hug. (They're in the back seat just so you know) He kept telling me it was gonna be okay and rubbing my back until I calmed down. "Don't worry. I'm sure it's nothing. Or at least nothing life changing."

     "You don't know Frank. This could change everything." I stated.

     "Hey, you're acting like you were told that you only have a week to live. Look," he said pointing at a building. "we're almost at the doctors. You need to be a little optimistic, baby." He kissed my nose and continued to hold me.

     We sat there for a few minutes until his mom spoke up. "Well come on Gerard we only have a couple minutes so we better go check in." I nodded and Frank and I got out of the car.

Frank's mom checked me in while Frank and I sat and waited. I'm only nervous now. I don't think I'll freak again. Frank was right I need to be optimistic. It could just be a bug or somet- A voice interrupted my thoughts.

     "Gerard Way." it called.

     I looked at Frank with worry and he knew I wanted him to come with me. We got up and so did his mom. We followed the nurse down a hallway and into a room and she told us to wait. Frank sat on the bed thing with me and held me and kissed me. Then the doctor walked in. "Okay so- oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt," She said. Frank blushed and I looked scared. "Hey you don't have to worry about be hating gays I'd be one hell of a hypocritic," She smiled to reassure us and I smiled back. "Okay so which one of you is Gerard?"

     "I am." I answered quietly.

     "Okay, so what seems to be the problem?"

     "I've been sick for the past week or so. But really only in the mornings." I said

     "And he's been hurting and he didn't tell me." Franks said shooting a look in my direction.

     "Where have you been hurting?" She asked looking back at me. Damn you Frank.

     "My lower back."

     "Okay, well I think we should take a blood test."

     "NO!" I yelled without meaning to. "sorry. I don't like needles."

     "Okay, but there's no other option. I'm sorry. Do you think you could be distracted long enough for me to do it?"

     "I can distracted him." Frank said. "I know just the way to do it."

     "Okay well I'll be back in a minute or so." She stated then left. God. How is he gonna distract me? She is gonna steal my blood. What could possibly take my mind off of that?

      The doctor came back with a needle. "Okay Frank. Distract him." She said and Frank made his way over to me. I opened my mouth to protest but he put his mouth on mine and took advantage of my open mouth. His tongue went all over every part of my mouth. Before I could stop it I moaned. And pushed his tongue out of my mouth and mine in his. He let out a low moan before we were interrupted. "Okay I'm done. Frank. stop distracting. You don't wanna have a situation." He stopped but it was to late he already had a bulge in his pants. He blushed,backed away, sat down, and covered it with his jacket. His mom slapped his arm playfully.

     I giggled and he said "Just like time when we were in your room but only the rules are reversed"

     "What?" His mother asked. His eyes widened in fear. He only stuttered. "Frank I'm just kidding." She laughed.

     After a moment of awkward silence the doctor spoke up "Well, Gee I'll be back in a couple minutes and tell you what's wrong. Okay?"

     "Yeah of course."
I don't know how this shit works so I'm making it up. I also don't know how long it takes for this stuff.

*****Time laps*****

She walked back into the room looking at a clip board with an expression I couldn't quite read. "Well," she started clearing her throat. "this is going to be quite a shock to you but, at least we know what's wrong." She sighed. It must be bad. Oh my god I knew it I'm dying ,"well Gerard you're-"

     I cut her off "Dying?" I squeaked on the verge of tears.

     "Oh no, very far from that. You're more full of life than you know," She chuckled with a smile. I looked at her with the most confused I could muster up. "Well Gerard," she paused. Fucking hell could you be more dramatic woman. "you're pregnant."

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