Chapter 5

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     When I woke up I almost screamed, because someone's arms were warped around me. But of course it was only Gerard. I was happy remembering yesterday. Then I remembered last night, mainly the part about Mikey. Fuck I don't wanna get up, I don't wanna see Mikey, and I sure as hell don't wanna go to school. But fuck it.

     "Gerard get up. We have to go to school." he grunted so I poked him in the nose. He sat up.

     "What the fuck Frank? Did you just poke my nose?" he raised an eyebrow and I giggled. "Frank can you take my pants off?"


     "And put another pair on. I can't do it myself."

     I muttered an 'oh' and did as he asked. After that he crutched himself up the stairs to the kitchen-there was no way I could carry him by myself- to get breakfast. His parents weren't there just Mikey.

     "Dude did you hear mom and dad last night?" Mikey asked

     Oh thank god, he thought it was his parents. Gross, but still. "Yeah Mikes. That was awkward." Gerard said smirking at me.

     Mikey turned his head to me and put on poker face and asked "Frank?" I nodded "Where's you shirt and pants." I looked down. I know what happened to my shirt, but what about my pants?

     I put on a straight face and said "It was hot." after that I went beck down to Gerard's room and searched for my pants. Gerard came down and I turned to him. "Gerard what did you do with my pants?" he blushed and pointed to the bed. Wow, I need to look harder.

     After the awkwardness and Gerard taking 5 minutes to get on and off of the bus we were in school. Everyone was muttering things and pointing at Gerard. At one point someone shoved me and I bumped Gerard off balance and he fell. All of the guys and a couple girls were laughing except I think about 4 guys counting Mikey. They all ran over and helped me pick up Gerard.

     "Oh my god, are you okay?" a boy who had a huge fro asked.

     The boy who had on a lot of eyeliner looked at me and asked angrily. "Why would you bump into him? What's wrong with you?"

     "Pete calm the fuck down. Frank didn't do it on purpose, they shoved him first." Mikey stated.

     Pete glared at me but then it melted into a smile and he winked. Yes, you heard me winked.

     "Gerard why don't I take you to the nurse? To get something for the pain." he nodded and we were off.

     The nurse gave him something and the day went as slow as it possibly could.

     When we got to Gerard's house the guys from earlier were there. They introduced them selves. Pete, I already knew his name but he winked and said it again. Gerard, seemed pretty mad. Then, Ray the kid with the fro introduced himself with a smile. I think I'll call him princess fro fro just to mess with him. And the other one Patrick. He was so sweet and adorable. We talked for hours we all mostly like the same things. We all also awkwardly agreed that Billie Joe Armstrong was hot. I'm not quite sure how that came about, but oh well.

     The guys all left around 8:30 and they took Mikey with them so it was just Gerard and I. "Frank? Do you want to go to bed now?" Gerard asked.

     "Of course," I said. "and I'm going to carry you" he raised an eyebrow but I picked him up anyway. Christ he's heavy. But then again I'm not what you would call strong.

     When we got down to his room I tossed him on the bed and took his shirt off. And I figured I wasn't going to get his pants off later so better do it now.

     Then I got on top of him straddling his hips and slammed our lips together. He tugged on my lip ring and I moaned his name. Then I pulled of my shirt and started kissing him jaw line which made him moam. I then pulled of his shirt and pants. And, well, I won't bother you with the details.
Sorry this sucks I'm terrible at writing. And I'm not gonna write a smut seen. yet


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