Chapter 14

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I figured it out if you didn't already know so it's all good.  Here's da chapter.


****Frank's P. O. V. ****

Did I hear her right? Did she say he was pregnant? Oh god. That rumor about Pete and Patrick must have been true then. Geesus.

     I looked over at Gerard and he looked as shocked as a person could. His eyes were wide staring down at his stomach. He looked over at me with glossy eyes to see my reaction but we both had the same reaction. Just pure and utter shock.

     "Wha-what? B-b-but how?" Gerard managed to stutter out after several minutes of deafening silence.

     "Well, to make it simple, you have girl parts on the inside," the doctor said with a shrug. "You don't have to keep it of course. You can terminate the pregnancy if you really wanted to."

     "NO!" Gerard, my mom, and I yelled in unison. That was strange. We all stood up as well.

     "Well I'm glad you're all on the same page."

****after some doctory stuff****

The drive home was quiet. I wanted to talk about this but I didn't wanna be the first one to talk. I knew Gerard didn't want to either so it was just quiet. Gerard decided to curl up on me and go to sleep seeing as we were in the backseat.

     "Hey, Gee. Get up, honey. We're at my house." he groaned but sat up anyway.

     "Carry me?" he whispered with sleepyness.

     "Okay, but you're gonna need to hold on hella tight."

     He said okay and I carried him like a itty bitty baby-which was ironic under the circumstances-he had his arms wrapped around my neck.

     I put him on the couch and went into the kitchen to get a drink. My mom followed. Probably to talk to me but I don't wanna talk right now. "Mom I don't want to talk right now."

     "Well, that's to bad Frank. We have to talk weather you like it or not," she didn't sound irritated or upset so I guess this won't be to bad. "What are you gonna do Frank?"

     "I don't know mom." I said honestly. "How am I supposed to know what to do?"

     "With these circumstances I don't really know." she paused. "Why don't you go talk to your friends? Pete and Patrick," she smiled reassuringly. "and take Gerard with you."

     I nodded and went to wake up Gerard. He was against it at first but understood that it was for a good purpose.

     "OFF TO PETE AND PATRICK'S!" I yelled with enthusiasm.

     "Shut the hell up Frank." Gerard says shaking his head in disappointment.

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