Chapter 5

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I sit down next to her on the couch, fearing she will see through the lies i am about to tell her.

"What d you want to know?" i ask trying to stall.

"Who is he?" is her first question.

"A friend, he's staying in town for a bit, i offered a room here so he didn't have to pay for a hotel room" I come up with.

"Yeah but why was he locked in?"

"I uhh. We had a fight?" I say sounding stupid.

"That sounded like a question"

"It wasn't"

"Are you sure?"

"That sounded like a question"

"Well it obviously was" she was getting annoyed.

"I'm sure, i don't know how long he's going to be here but i won't be going to school"

She furrows her brows and gets her thinking face on.

"Why? He can just stay here while you are at school."

"He has special needs" i blurt out.

"Like what?" she says, obviously not believing me anymore.

God i am awful at lying.

I have no idea what to say right now.

I regret this so much, damnit.

"Well?" she asks, trying to get eye contact.

I open my mouth, then close it again, and again multiple times but no sounds come out.

"I can't say" i finally decide on telling her.

"Why?" she stands up looking down at me, but she isn't mad.

"Because i can't, i'll tell you in awhile, just trust me, he's here for good reasons."

I stress, standing up beside her putting my hands out in a calm gesture.

She narrows her eyes but doesn't fight me on it.

"Fine, but you will tell me, promise." she points her finger at me.

"Promise, but not now."

"Yeah yeah, i got that" she rolls her eyes and sits down again.

"Can i at least know his name?" she asks after a few minutes.

"I guess, it's James, but no last names right now." i say sitting next to her.

"Where is he now?"

"My room." i say simply looking at the tv.

"Doesn't he have one?"

"Yeah but he doesn't have a tv, i didn't want him down here at the same time as you were here to."

"God the curiosity is killing me right now" She laughs and changes the channel.

"Hey i was watching that!" i yell trying to take the controller from her.

"To bad" she says scooting away from me.

I get up and try snatching the controller from her hand but she moves it, i smile a little and lightly tackle her, still struggling to get the controller.

"You are so annoying" i huff and give up, sitting back next to her.

"i know. What should i say if someone asks where you are tomorrow?" she asks making me think.

"Who would ask?"


"They never ask, why would they care"

"you are probably right"

We sit and watch tv for about thirty minutes before she gets up to leave,

i promise once again that i will tell her who James is soon and lock the door when she is out.

When i turn to walk up to James my phone rings in my back pocket and i pick it up, flip it open and answer without looking at the caller id.

"Hello?" i answer not knowing anyone who would call me.

"Is this Alexandra Green?" the person on the line asks, it sounds like a female.

Not being sure what to say since i don't know who knows my last name i just answer honestly.

"Yes, that's me"

"Well this is the central Florida hospital, we were wondering somethings about your journal"

My heart drops, what journal? I start to panic.

If they kniw me i can maybe find out who my parents are, where i come from.

"Is something wrong?" I start getting confused, if they had the right files, wouldn't i be registered as missing? so why would they call.

"No no, everything is fine, we wanted you to come in an take a look, answer some questions and take some tests."

"I don' think i have time to do that, for awhile at least, can i call you back?" I ask, hoping that they are not tracking my phone's GPS.

"Yes you can, that's fine."

I hang up before she says anything else, what if that was Hydra or something?

James said they had my files, but the hospital does to, since i should have been born in one. I think i was at least.

I won't call them back, that's for sure.

Not knowing what to do anymore i go back to the couch, sitting down.

I notice the bowl of popcorn is still on the table and decide to try something.

Focusing as hard as i can on one single popcorn laying at the top i try moving it, since i have no idea what i can do i might as well try.

Nothing happens though and i sigh giving up.

The only thing i know i can do is exploring other people's memories, i don't have control over when it happens to mo though.

And sometimes, if i try hard enough, i can heal small wounds.

If i try to do bigger things i get dizzy and nauseous, but thinking about all of this makes me want to use my powers again, and since James is the only one here i might as well ask him.

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