Chapter 10

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I turn my head around on the floor, looking for something to explain the ringing noise in my ears.

I feel something heavy on top of me and small painful pricks all over my arms and legs meaning i have broken glass everywhere.

As much as i try to move i'm frozen in place, not because of the heavy object on top of me but because the excruciating pain in my lower back.

Groaning and opening my eyes a little more i finally see more of what is going on.

The windows are all broken, some still up but destroyed with bullets.

The heavy thing on top of me is Bucky, trying to protect me with himself.

As soon as i see him my eyes widen and i try to push him of, everything going almost in slow-motion and the annoying ringing noise still present in my ears.

He is impossible to move and he keeps me down on the ground with his metal arm, making it hard to get anywhere. I see him putting up a single finger to his lips, silencing me and making me nod in agreement.

He starts getting up after looking around, but not seeing anyone.

All of a sudden i see men walking fast in my house with guns pointed everywhere.

I swallow a lump that is stuck in my throat and try to sit up and crawl backwards towards the kitchen counter, ignoring the pain in my spine.

I bite my lip to not make any sound since they are not looking at me yet.

Bucky is standing in the middle of the room with his metal arm on full display and looking at one of them dead in the eyes.

I notice he has his old gun on his back like he had in the hospital and i thank god he didn't leave it upstairs, leaving him unarmed.

I count how many people are in the room, and see that there are seven people if you would count me and Bucky.

I don't want him to fight them all alone, if that's even what he is planing on doing.

But as i see him getting in fight position i panic even more and try to sand up, wanting to help and make sure he does not get hurt.

But before i have the chance to stand up he has already grabbed two of the guns and fringed them across the room, making the other men shoot at him.

I notice how they are trying to shoot his legs and arm, but not really trying to hurt him , making it all the more difficult to actually hit.

Bucky dodges the bullets and kicks one of the armed men on another, making them fall to the ground.

I take this as my chance and run to them grabbing their dropped guns and throwing them aside.

As i turn around and see Bucky fighting three guys at the same time with the skills of a ninja.

(yes i said ninja, deal with it)

I can suddenly feel a hand on my leg and look down to see one of the no longer armed men pulling me down on the ground.

He tries to hit me while I'm down but i know how to fight pretty well so i dodge it and knee him between the legs.

He groans and falls to the side, so i can get on top of him and start throwing punches.

I hit him multiple times until i feel arms around my shoulders bringing me back.

I bite whoever it is in the hand and he jolts away from me, pushing me to the ground.

Although i get up as fast as i can it was not fast enough for me to notice the man i previously knee'd between the legs punch me in the face, throwing me back against the wall.

I then feel his hands against my throat, making it the third time i get chocked within a week.

Looking around the room to find something to get me out of the mess i seeBucky fighting two men now, two laying on the ground.

I grab the man who is chocking me and concentrate with all my might to get him off.

He gets annoyed and kicks my leg, making me somehow get a scream out of my mouth.

I feel the blood running down to my foot realizing he must have cut open skin or something with his shoe.

My whole leg starts to hurt and tears start running down my cheeks from not being able to breath.

I finally get an idea and grab his head with both my hands, thinking about his face, his features.

All of a sudden pictures of dead bodies flows threw my mind, and his as well.

His victims, i think, and see him stagger back, falling on his knees, making me able to push him back on the ground.

I stand there and look at him for awhile until i feel arms snake around my waist and i start to panic, trying to get free.

"Hey, hey it's just me, take it easy." I hear Bucky say, looking up to see him hugging me, and i lean in to his chest, trying to calm my breathing.

When he pulls away from me he doesn't waste any time getting out of there, grabbing my bag and running out of the door.

He sees me limping and immediately helps me walk.

"We have to go somewhere to stitch up your leg." He says, giving me an idea.

"I know where to go don't worry." I croak out.

He nods and doesn't stop walking, me guiding him on the way.

"How did they find us?" I ask, curious about how we are going to stay off the radar in the future.

"I'm pretty sure i have a tracker in my arm." He hesitates to answer, and for the right reasons.

I would have freaked out more, but i know exactly how to get it out.

"It's fine, i know someone good at that stuff." I say, while we are walking up to a small house at the end of my street.

"Well we sort of have to hurry up." He says, helping me up the steps to the door.

"I know." I say and knock on the door, praying to god She is home.

After a minute Sofie opens the door.

"Hey, we could use some help." I say, trying to sound nonchalant.

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