Chapter 12

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two months later

Alex's POV

The abandoned house

I was sitting by the table in the middle of our little house, staring Bucky evil in the eye.

"You know you are going to lose." I say, trying to sound as serious as possible.

He mets my eye, doing a way better job at being scary than me.

"You know you are going to lose." He says back, making me let out a growl.

I look down to the table, seeing that the game of chess is almost over, on a total of three pieces left.

I move my horse, it being the only one left on my side except my king.

"Check mate." I say, smiling to myself.

"Are you sure?" He asks, looking smug.

I look back down, making sure there is no way for him to win.

But there is, and i mentally slap myself, laying my head on the old table, face first.

He starts to laugh, and i look up to see him taking down my king with his, smiling proudly to himself after winning for the fifth time.

i open my mouth to get a rematch but the knocks on the door stops me and makes me snap my head up

Knock. Knock Knock. Knock.

It goes, and i immediately recognize the secret knock we made for Sofie.

I run up and answer the door, dragging her inside.

"What did you bring?" I ask jumping up and down, this being my favorite part of the week.

"Well i brought food, and an old radio from my basement. Not sure if it works though." she admits.

I give her a hug and kiss her cheek, being super happy to see her again.

"I have to go now, this is already looking suspicious." She says, leaving immediately after hugging me back.

I bra the bag from the floor and walk back to the table placing the bag onto of the chess game.

"Thank god, I'm starving." Bucky says, making me smile.

He has changed a lot in the past month, he is open about almost everything now. Sharing every memory he gets, but he doesn't talk about all the pain he went through, it's still a touchy subject.

After two months together in a small room you get close, so we almost everything about each other, from the small little habits to all of our favorites.

I can't say i haven't developed feelings for him, i know he likes me to, but we don't talk about that stuff either since we have other things to worry about.

He starts to unpack the bag, putting down bread and Nutella on the table.

Since we don't have a working fridge we cant have butter or cheese, but we don't complain.

I laugh when he picks up the radio, turning it around and smiling.

"Hey, i remember this, this existed when i was born." He says, pure joy on his face.
"Sofie said it might not work, but we can always try." I say and take it from him, trying to turn it on.

It doesn't work, but it could easily turn on if you tinkered with it a little bit.

I turn it off again, putting it aside, and start to make a sandwich, giving it to Bucky.

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