Chapter 6

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I walk towards my room but stop in the doorway, leaning my body against the doorframe.

I see James half lying down in my bed, watching the little tv on the other side of the room, his hair on the side of his face looking a little bit too long.

"You should cut your hair" i suggest, he doesn't look at me, showing that he already knew i was there.

"No" he says in his normal uninterested voice.

I shake my head and move towards a chair in the corner of the room.

"Have you found something interesting to watch?" i ask wondering how he likes todays tv.

"I don't know, this is different from when i was born, at least i think so, it's kind of blurry still" he answers not taking his eyes off the tv.

"Want to try getting some more memories?" i suggest getting up from my sitting position.

He finally looks at me and nods his head yes.

I come closer to him and sit down on the side of the bed, he climbs to sit beside me and turns his torso a little bit facing my way.

"I still don't know how to do this." i say before grabbing his human hand and closing my eyes.

He doesn't answer but i feel him taking a deep breath.

I try to concentrate on the young James i saw the first time but i don't get anything, so i decide on concentrating on the little guy that he was talking to.

I see flashes of them when they were kids, 15 maybe?

James saving him multiple times from bullies and getting him out of fights.

His name escaped James mouth multiple times during the memories.

Steve, Steve Rogers.

I knew that James was in the war with captain America, but i had no idea that they were friends before.

I also get a vision of Steve saying happy birthday and a newspaper with the date march 10, 1917.

Before i can get more information James pulls his hand away from mine and gets up.

"That's enough for now, i can't..." He pauses mid sentence and walks out of the room leaving me with wide eyes and a horrible headache, i get up to follow him but i get dizzy and sit back down, closing my eyes and huffing out air, laying my head on a pillow.

I have no idea how long i was asleep for when i woke up to complete darkness, the only light provided from the tv that had been on the whole time.

Looking at the clock i see it is past midnight, i move to get out of bed when i hear steps approaching my room, sitting up against the head board and rubbing my eyes trying to get the sleepiness out.

I finally look up when the footsteps stop and see James standing by the door.

"I'm sorry." i say tiredly and look at him with an apologizing look.

He doesn't move at first, but then he walks in the room sitting down in the chair i sat in before.

"No, don't apologize. You're helping me, i just can't look through so many memories at the same time." He says sadly looking down at the floor.

I don't say anything, just sit there and watch while he doesn't do anything.

He starts looking at his metal arm making a look of anguish, not really looking to happy with it.

"Does it make you uncomfortable?" i ask, he snaps his eyes to my gaze and looks confused with what i said.

"Your arm, i mean." i explain.

"uh, yeah. it's not the easiest to look at" He answers and looks back at the arm.

All of a sudden i get an idea.

"Wait here." I stress, getting out of bed and running down to the front doors, seeing a big wooden box in the corner of the room.

I dig through it until i find a pair of black finger gloves.

Satisfied with my find i run upstairs back to James and walk towards him slowly and sit down in front of him.

I pick up his metal arm with mine and see the uncomfortable look on his face, i put on the left glove on the hand and put the black shirt he is wearing a little bit on top, so his metal arm is completely covered.

Standing up, proud of my work i go sit down on my bed again.

He looks at me with sincere eyes.

"Thank you." He says.

"For what?" i ask with a smile on my face.

"Not only for giving me a place to sleep after i tried to strangle you, but for showing me who i am, i know it wasn't on purpose, but you keep doing it." He whispers, still looking straight into my eyes.

"Your welcome, James" I smile even bigger, happy with our friendly progress.

"Call me Bucky." He smiles to, not as big as me, but still a smile.

My heart skips a beat when i hear what he says.

Calling him Bucky means we are friends, and who would not be happy to have made a new friend, especially me.

"Bucky." i nod, watching him rise to his feet and walk out of my room.

I sit still in my spot for a few minutes until i hear a voice calling my name, i get up and look outside my door, seeing Bucky standing by his, i have never heard him say my name before, i didn't even know he knew it, but he must have.

He wouldn't have been able to find me if he didn't.

"Are you going to lock the door?" he asks me when he spots me standing there.

"Should i?" i ask back, not sure if i trust him yet.

"Yeah, not that i would do anything on purpose, but i don't know if i trust myself." he admits.

I nod again and walk towards him, closing the door after i give him a reassuring smile, and lock it.

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