Chapter 11

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She looks at me with wide eyes, just standing there , when she actually realizes that we are both hurt she opens the door and ushers us in, wanting to help me walk but not daring to touch me in case she hurts me.

"Holy shit, what the fuck happened?!" She shrieks, running to get the first aid kit in the bathroom.

"I told you i't wasn't safe." i say, trying to laugh but failing miserably.

"It's not funny Ally stop laughing." I hear Bucky say beside me.

Ignoring the warm feeling in my chest when i hear the nickname as he sets me down on Sofie's couch, trying to not hurt me.

"I'm just trying to get my mind of the pain. How come you didn't get hurt at all while i ended up with a black eye and my stupid leg?" i question, looking up seeing that he is already looking at me with worry in his eyes.

"I don't suck at fighting." he answers, also trying to lighten the mood.

"hey I'm not that bad." I defend while Sofie starts to examine my leg.

He doesn't answer but just smiles and shakes his head, even though none of us are happy, we are trying to make the best of it.

"James, or whatever your name is, can you check on Alex's face?" Sofie says, handing an ice pack to Bucky witch he gladly accepts.

He looks at me and puts it under my bruised eyes, careful to not press it down to hard.

"Oh, right, Sofie we thing there is some sort of tracker in Buck's arm, can you take a look?" I ask, hopeful that she knows how to fix it.

"And you brought him to my house?" She asks with wide eyes.

"Yeah, sorry about that, but if you remove it we can throw it somewhere." I suggest and a smile creeps its way on her face.

"Of'course i'll do it, that thing looks awesome." She says and stands up to push Bucky into a sitting position on the couch.

"You know I'm right here, you don't have to talk like I'm not." Bucky says all of a sudden, making me laugh and shrug my shoulders.

As Sofie goes to get some tools for Bucky's arm, i get up and look around her place.

Seeing old pictures of us when we were smaller, laughing and playing in the park.

I smile at the memories, missing the time when things were simple, when all i had to worry about was coming home in time for dinner.

Deciding that watching all those pictures was to depressing, i walk back to the living room to see Bucky's metal arm open on the shoulder while Sofie is working with some sort of small tools inside.

Since i have no idea what is going on i just sit down next to him, looking at my leg for the first time since we got here.

My pants are rolled up to my knee, and i can see a small cut on my leg, but it isn't bleeding anymore, and it looks like it has been healing for weeks.

"Hey Sofie, did you do anything to my leg?" I ask, thinking it felt like it was bleeding a lot more.

"No, but it looked pretty deep, we might have to stitch you up." She admits, not taking her eyes off the arm.

I keep looking at the small cut, poking at it to find out it isn't hurting that much anymore.

and just as i am about to roll down my pants again, i see the wound closing itself, making my mouth fall open and my eyes widen.

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