Chapter 15

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"Do you ever wonder where your real parents are?" I hears someone asks beside me, and look over to see a 10 year old Sofie, smiling innocently at me.

"Yes, i do. But it doesn't make me sad anymore." I answer.

"Why?" she asks, tilting her head like a puppy.

"Because I'm happy." I smile and take out my lunchbox, sitting down on the grass with her following shortly after.

I see her take out her own, hers bright pink with a picture of  aurora the sleeping beauty on top.

"So you don't feel alone?" She questions.

"No, i have Emelie, and i have you to." I let out a small laugh, and take a bite out of my Nutella sandwich.

"Am i your family?" She wonders, taking a bite of her own.

"Of'course, your my sister." I smile and hug her and she hugs me back immediately.

"And your mine." She says in my ear.

I open my eyes and white lights make me close them again.

I groan and try to move, but my feet and hands are stuck, so i slowly open my eyes again and look down to see myself tied in a chair.

Looking around i see nothing but white walls and a bad lamp hanging from the ceiling.

But i don't panic, i don't do anything, just sit there and wait for whatever is coming.

I feel nothing but boredom and emptiness, and dried tears on my cheeks, making me annoyed.

Suddenly pictures of Sofie's dead body enters my mind, and i clench my fists behind my back, trying to not be sad.

Everyone is gone.

I think, and hang my head, not bothering to hold it up anymore.

I don't even know where i am, since there are no windows, only a big steel door to my right.

After what feels like hours, the door finally opens, and in steps Erick Brentlinger, the man i have sworn to hunt down, and kill.

I growl at him , becoming so mad that i try to run towards him, but the rope around me stops me from moving.

"You have only been here for a day, and you are already acting like an animal." His voice echoes through the room.

"What the hell do you want with me." I ask, almost spitting out the words in anger.

"Where do i start? The beginning right." He lets out a small laugh, and walks out the door, coming back with a chair, similar to mine.

I roll my eyes, already annoyed that i have to spend time with him.

"It all started when you were a few months old, and i had just gotten done making a new serum. I needed to test it on someone, Someone small and fragile: a baby, but i was not going to do it on my daughter, so i picked you." He said.

"Why me? You said I'm your niece." I question, trying to make sense of it all.

"Because it had to be someone with my DNA, that's how the serum worked. So i started injecting you every week, making excuses to come over with Helen, your cousin, and it worked perfectly. You were showing signs of it actually working. But then your mother found out about it." He said, making a disgusted face.

"So naturally i had to get rid of her, and your father. After i staged a little car accident i had your nanny, my employee, take you to the lab, so i could experiment on you full time. But then it stopped working, and i wasn't going to just kill you, so i left you on a sweet ladies doorsteps, and now I'm checking up on you. But now you are at that age when if it didn't work, you are of no use to me, so you better prove useful." He explains and my head starts to spin with information.

"So you killed my parents." I pause to look him in the eyes, trying to keep calm.

"because they were an inconvenience in you stupid plan to make me a test subject!?" I continued, seeing the joy in his eyes, making me recoil, feeling nauseous.

"Yes." he simply answers, getting up and taking the chair, about to leave me.

"Wait!" I shout when he is at the door.

He turns around, impatiently waiting for me to say what i want.

"What have you done to him?" I ask, feeling like someone is stepping on my heart.

"We have returned him to a loyal dog." He sneers, and closes the door, making me widen my eyes.

"Shit." I whisper under my breath, picturing Bucky killing innocent people just to satisfy Hydra.

If he ever gets his memories back again, he will remember all of it, and he already has enough on his conscious.

I pull on my hands, trying to break the ropes, but it doesn't work.

I'm to weak.

I start to pull harder, burning my wrists.

"Let me out!" I shout, seeing no other way out.

But no one opens the door.

I let out an ear piercing scream, just to let out all the anger i feel building up inside. and do one final pull with my hands.

I feel a snap and fall down on the ground, free from the chair.
But i don't feel free as i look up to see the heavy metal door.

I stand up and start banging on the door, desperate to get to Bucky.

"Leave him alone! Please!" I scream, and keep banging with my fists, when nothing happens i back away a few steps, and run straight in to it with my side, over and over again.

I do it so many times that i end up on the floor, with bloody fists and what feels like a broken shoulder, but i know it isn't.

I look at my wrists and see burns from the ropes.

Everything hurts and i haven't done anything to stop them from hurting Bucky.

I crawl into the corner, and just feel so small, and weak.

Putting my head on my knees as i start to cry, for what feels like the hundredth time that day.

i start to feel tired, even though i have been passed out for the most of the day, but start to think of Bucky, falling asleep on the floor with the image of his ocean blue eyes on my mind.

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