Chapter 17

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I was freed from the chair, and thrown back on the mattress, being to weak to stand up again so i just sat there waiting for my uncle to kill me.

But she the door actually opens all the words i had planned to say disappeared, and all that was left was fear of death.

I looked down to make sure the wounds had not healed yet, but they had started to.

Luckily enough you couldn't see it, since all the dried blood covered everything.

"I'm disappointed." I heard him say and my heavy head snapped up, making the room spin.

"Good." Was my dull answer, becoming more angry every second he was in the room.

"I really thought the serum was going to work, but you failed me." He said, ignoring what i said as he crouched down to be eye to eye with me.

"I'm just human, you can't blame me for this." I tried to reason, wanting nothing more than to get out of here and save Bucky.

"No!" he screamed startling me as he stood up again.

"You are nothing more than a failed science experiment." He spit out, looking at me with disgust in his eyes.

The words hit me in the heart, hearing the words i had been thinking ever since i got here, even though the serum didn't fail, but he didn't need to know that.

"I will kill you, i swear it." I shouted, but stayed on the ground, not having any energy.

"You can't kill me when you are dead." He said, his voice calmed down.

"Then kill me, and you will see." I challenged, looking in to his eyes.

"Oh but there is were you are wrong." He laughed, taking his eyes of me and looking at the door before returning them to my eyes.

"I will not kill you." He explained, and my eyebrows furrowed, before i realized what he meant.

"No." I begged, changing my techniques, now trying to find a plan to get out.

"Yes." He simply answered as Bucky walked in to the room, a gun in his hand.

He walked in front of me, on the other side of the room as Erick , pushed me to my feet.

I tried standing up straight but my legs wobbled, still weak from the bloodless.

"You know he will remember this one day, don't make him do it." I begged, trying to change Erick's mind.

"That's the point, having this in his memories." He said, making me take a deep breath, looking to Bucky, seeing no recognition in his eyes.

I knew there was no way out of this.

"It's fine." I told him, even though he didn't know me.

"I forgive you already." I cried, trying to not fall to the floor.

He then pointed the gun to my head, and Erick grabbed the gun, still having Bucky hold it and pointed it to my chest.

"Shot her in the heart." He whispered, making the tears roll down my cheeks faster than before.

I closed my eyes tight, waiting for it, but everything was quiet, and as i looked, he was still standing there, pointing the gun but not shooting it.

"What are you waiting for?! Kill her!" Erick ordered, and Bucky's hand started shaking, but his face remained emotionless, like he was fighting himself.

"It's okay." I whispered, nodding my head.

"Oh for fuck's sake, i'll do it." Erick said, grabbing the gun from Bucky's hand, not hesitating to pull the trigger.

And as the shot rang through the air i felt the pain spread from my chest all over, then everything going numb.

I looked down and saw my already bloody shirt become completely drenched in red.

and as i feel to the ground with my eyes rolling back in me head, i desperately wished for Bucky to be saved.

Third POV

Erick, threw the gun to the floor, satisfied with finally being rid of the girl, and looked at her lifeless body, thinking it was a shame the serum had failed.

"Since you could not do a simple task, you will leave her in her old house, but don't leave any fingerprints." Erick ordered Bucky, him still standing there with an emotionless face, but on the inside something was screaming at him, wanting to murder the man beside him.

But he didn't do that, he just nodded and picked up the girl. throwing her over his shoulder.
When he got to the right house, he put her on the couch and turned around to leave.

But that voice inside told him to turn around, and take out the bullet.

So he did.

He pried it from her and put it in his pocket, then taking a minute to look at her face, not remembering her but wishing he could have saved her, before it ha been to late.

Then he left her there, not looking back, prepared to be wiped and frozen, without protest.

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