Chapter 9

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I woke up to the sound of heavy, ragged breathing and something moving on the couch.

At first i didn't do anything, thinking it was just Bucky getting up and going to bed, but then when it didn't stop i opened my eyes, seeing Bucky, in cold sweat, turning and shuffling beside me.

His eyes shut tightly making his face wrinkly.

It looked like he was having a nightmare, but i didn't want to wake him, so i just stood up and started walking away, until i saw a single tear falling down his cheek.

I walked up to him and grabbed his right arm, shacking him slightly.

"Hey, wake up." I whispered, trying to not scare him

All of a sudden his eyes shot open and his metal hand come around my throat, chocking me and throwing me down on the couch.

He sits up over me looking at me like i am nothing but trash.

My eyes widen as i realize he isn't planning on letting go.

"Кто ты!?" He screams, i start to panic, having no idea what the hell he is saying, and my eyesight starting to darken.

I try hitting his arms away from me and flail my legs like a crazy person, trying to make a sound, any sound to make him let go.

Just as i feel the unconsciousness taking over he lets go, but i'm to weak to sit up, to do anything really.

I breathe in as much air as possible, feeling my throat burn while i do so.

Knowing Bucky is still in the room makes me uneasy, i don't know if he is himself, or the winter soldier, until i feel a pair of hands on my back, one soft human hand, and one hard metal.

He lifts me up and starts to walk away, me still on the verge of passing out, my eyes hurting and tears streaming down my cheeks.

After awhile i feel a soft surface underneath me, meaning I'm in a bed.

I try with all my might to open my eyes fully to see where i am and see Bucky, laying me down on my bed in my room, a look of guilt on his face.

"Are, are you... Okay?" I croak out, trying to sound normal.

He flinches, not knowing that i was awake and takes a step back, letting his hands fall to his sides.

"I'm sorry, i don't know what happened, i couldn't control it."

He starts rambling apologies, trying to make me forgive him.

"I't wasn't you." i say, trying to calm him down.

"What? Yes it was." He answers, looking confused and sad.

"Yes, but i't wasn't you" I tell him again, trying to get it through his head,

He nods and looks down, looking like a hurt puppy, witch i found a little funny, seeing how he is huge and muscly, but can still look so small and vulnerable.

"What now?" He asks, looking up to meet my eyes.

"We leave, before they come here." I answer determination shining in my voice.

"Where do we go?" He sits down on the foot of my bed, slightly facing me, but still keeping his distance.

"Greece, or maybe Denmark." I laugh, tears brimming my eyes, thinking about leaving Sofie behind.

"We can go to Romania." He suggests, turning fully to face me.

"Promise?" I asks, and a small smile creeps it's way on my lips.

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