-Chapter 3-

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It was late in the day when Marina, Elisa, and Britney went downtown with some of their friends. The sun was getting lower, which signified the upcoming departure. They were doing last-minute shopping when IT came on the screens everywhere. In each and every place they tried to go, the same live video was on-screen. It was a ransom video, possibly taken nearby, but apparently, it was on every screen worldwide. It started out with...Violet? Was the person they were just talking to at school tied up and crying? About 30 seconds later, a slender figure with straight, wood colored hair walked up behind the chair where their tormentor sat shaking. It was hard to see the kidnapper's face was hard to see, but Marina could barely make out burning red eyes and blood red lips against porcelain white, flawless skin. The slim figure started to speak. Her voice was must've put everyone in a trance state, because nobody could seem to look away or say anything. 

"You must be wondering who this helpless person is."

A large serrated blade was placed inches from the side of Violet's neck. As much as Marina despised her, she wouldn't have wished this on her. Would anyone?

"This is the girl who's gonna pay for my minion's failure. I don't care if she is not to blame, besides, what better way to bring humanity's downfall than to slaughter each of you one by one?"

Marina and her friends shuddered at the thought of any one of them being killed off. What kind of a sadistic person would do this? She must not be all there.

"Anyway, the only way to prevent this is to sacrifice whoever was behind Para's defeat. Good luck, Marina~"

Marina's eyes widened in shock. Did they know that she was the person who fought him? On one hand, there are TONS of people who might have the name Marina. On the other hand, it was blatantly obvious that the pale kidnapper was talking about her. If Marina didn't know any better, it looked like the girl was staring directly at her. The almost ageless figure smirked, and just like that, the screens went back to normal. Elisa and Britney exchanged looks, then looked back at Marina. They all slowly went back to their normal shopping, then Elisa pulled everyone into the change rooms.

"We need a plan. Everyone has probably seen your face by now, and now they know your name, Marina."

Britney's eyes lit up with hope.

"I know! We can make one of those generic 'protagonists in disguise' costumes that should make it obvious that it's really you but everyone brushes it off!"

Elisa sighed out of exasperation.

"Seriously, Britney? That would never work IRL. They only do that so that you can recognize the main character."

Marina burst out laughing, shocking Elisa and Britney into silence.

"What's so funny?"

"I'm probably going to die and you guys are arguing over STORYLINE DECISIONS? I would if I wasn't a blip on everyone else's radar right now. Let's just get our shopping over with. I can put on a hoodie while you guys pay for your stuff. Besides, I finished shopping at the last store."

The three of them went to the cash register and were paying for their clothes when someone started staring at Marina with the blankest expression Marina had ever seen on a person before. She turned back to the register, nudging Britney to signify that something was off.


The once blank-faced passerby shouted as loud as a person their age could scream.

God dammit, God dammit, God dammit! 

Marina's fists clenched up, leaking out lilac shaded mist. Elisa summoned some water, preparing to fight the oncoming shoppers with every bit of strength there was in her. Marina took comfort in the fact that she had people to back her up. She didn't want anyone to know that her powers were as vague as some of the ads there. Marina sprinted to the edge of the store, making a u-turn towards the backs of the shoppers. She dashed at them throwing punches like there was no tomorrow. Marina wasn't good at fighting-especially under pressure-but it was enough to distract everyone so that Britney and Elisa could get some hits. They were outnumbered, but the people there were an even match for the girls for now. Britney looked like she was dancing around the mall, filled with power and grace, while Elisa looked like she had practiced her powers for years, although it had really been a day. Marina got too distracted. A large vine covered in thorns was headed for her when time seemed to slow down. Marina scanned the room for a bit, then felt her muscles tense up. Just like that, the time had resumed normally. She looked around to find her attacker, but he was lying on the floor twitching.

"What happened to everyone, guys?"

They looked just as confused as her, and decided to anonymously call the police and described the situation. They went home, praying that whatever happened was a nightmare.

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