-Chapter 14-

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Marina went home, explaining the situation to her mother.

"That's one crazy situation you've gotten yourself into. So this girl...Violet?"

"That's her name."

"She sounds like a really manipulating girl. Why did Ian date her? Do you know what she saw in her?"

"I don't know. Can't you figure it out with your knowledge powers?"

"Not exactly. I can access everything ever written down. Got on the news for it last week, as you may know."

"I noticed."

Marina gave her mother a playful look.

"Anyway, do you know the chances of me regaining my memory?"

"The odds are not in your favor. But since the machine you mentioned is very risky sounding, I think the odds might balance out."

"Thanks, Mom. Do you know when Dad is coming back?"

"No. The sign for the flying competition said he'd come back at around dinner time. You know how he is with his newfound flight."

Marina laughed.

"I think I'm going to go to bed early. Later, Mom!"

"Rest well, sweetie!"

As Marina went to her room, her mother's hands projected the information she was looking for.

Shockwave caught on camera during the end of darkness.

She looked at the video while it was muted. She reviewed the source. No edits on any websites. If her theory was right...Her daughter was more deadly than she was letting on.

The Next Day

Marina opened the door, falling to the floor limply.


Elisa rushed over, slamming the door shut and calling Matt over.

"Get her to the lab. NOW."

Ian ran as fast as he could into the lab.

"What happened?"

"She's not going to make it to another day. We need to use the machine now."

"Is she awake?"

A small cough answered.

"Ian...Promise me that you'll remind me of everything."

'"I promise."

Marina closed her eyes, going into the machine. Ian let go of her hand, crying as he watched her fall into the gray container. It only took several minutes before the machine beeped. Matt pushed a few buttons on the side, reopening the machine. Marina's eyelashes fluttered open, looking around calmly. Ian whispered to Matt.

"Is she going to panic?"

"No. We made sure that she won't be worried. I infused the fabric with a relaxant."

"Oh, okay."

Marina's eyes stayed open this time. She walked out in a confident manner, which was odd for her. Marina had never looked that confident, even at her happiest. Ian glanced at Matt, who looked just as confused as him. Marina looked for the door out, starting to show signs of confusion. She eventually found it, then strode out. Elisa stopped her, forcing her to stay in the entrance.

"Hey. Do you remember anything?"

Marina looked up in thought.

"No, just going off of instinct. Who are you?"

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