-Chapter 10-

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Matt unlocked his door to get a glass of water. He spent his time perfecting his potion making skills. It was surprisingly quiet in the house. Matt tried to think of reasons why it could be so ominous. 1. People could be out for a run 2. The unthinkable has happened and everyone is dead (not likely) 3. They could be sleeping. Sleeping...Matt knew sleeping had a link to what had happened, but it was hard for him to remember. Gradually, his memory got restored. Last night, Marina had asked him for sleeping pills because she was having nightmares. Oh god. Matt ran into the kitchen, searching for somebody. He had to wake them up. He saw Ian lying down on the counter. He shook him awake.

"Ian, wake up! I think Marina ran away."

"...What is it?"

"Marina is gone!"


Matt lifted the glass to inspect it. 

"Just as I thought. She drugged you with the sleeping pills I gave her for her insomnia."

"What!? Why?"

"Probably has to do with you, dummy. Get up and help me wake the others up."

"Hold on a minute. Marina gave me a note to read before I fell asleep. She told me to read it when I woke up."

Ian grabbed the sheet of paper beside his seat. It read:

If you're reading this, then I followed through with my plan. Please don't go looking for me. Goodbye, Marina

There was writing on the other side.

I'm going to fix this.

Ian stared in shock, wondering whether to laugh or to cry. He covered his expression with his hair.

"Let's go."

Marina held the blade in her hand, trying to find the thickest vein in her arm. She spotted one and carefully scratched the skin off. She let a single drop of blood fall onto the stone floor, then applied a bandage. She heard the beacon activate, and heard the shriek of bloodthirsty demons. She concentrated as hard as she could to find Violet.

Come on, I know you're there.

"You know that I'm already here, right?"

Marina looked up at her torturer with hopeful eyes.

"I'm assuming you want me to kill you or you want to make a deal with me."

"I have a proposition for you."

"Oh you do now, do you? Tell me, I'm curious."

"I have an exchange I want to set in motion."

"What's in it for me?"

"I'm willing to set you free in exchange for me."

Violet looked surprised.

"Well, that's new~."

"I know that you're not fully evil. Your care for Ian proves that. Just tell your Queen that I made an offer, okay?"

 "Why make me tell her when she heard you already?"

Queen Lilith stepped out of the darkness.

"What's your motive for this, mortal?"

Lilith stared at Marina cautiously.

"Let me guess..."

She pretended to think really hard.

"You're doing this for a boy, aren't you?"

Marina remained quiet.

"Don't have to tell me. I already know what you're thinking. All with a glance."

Queen Lilith gave Marina a terrifying smile.

"That's what happens when you kill whoever gets in your way, honey. And as for the immortal thing...Demons aren't gone for long."

Marina gulped.

"Now I have a few options."

Elisa jumped through the portal.

"I can leave peacefully and give Violet away..."

Elisa ran as fast as she could.

"I could kill you off sadistically...."

Elisa found a strange cave.

" Or I could kill off both of you..."

Elisa ran into the entrance.

"Or I can leave it up to fate."

Lilith turned to face Elisa and disappeared in a cloud of mist, along with Violet and the blood.

Marina limped towards the exit growing weaker the further she was from the cave, eventually halfway into unconsciousness.


Marina fainted.

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