-Chapter 13-

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Lilith glanced at Violet in awe.

"How did they attack you and WIN???"

"I told you, they did it when I wasn't looking. Besides, that was days ago."

Lilith sighed, shaking her head.

"What are we going to do?"

"May I propose something?"

Malice walked into the room with her brother as if summoned by the topic.

"What is it, my winglet?"

Malice flinched. Lilith had taken her under her wing, which made Vice extremely sour when it came to talking to each-other.

"Vice came up with a strategy for attacking them. As we know, the angel has ascended, but there's still her power here. Our plan is to get to their weak spots."

"And how do you propose to do that?"

"By breaking their mental state. We need a person who can manipulate many."

Lilith smiled.

"Excellent. I have just the person to do that~."

Lilith turned back to a smiling demon, wings outstretched.

"Ready as ever, my queen."

"Perfect. Now go and bring Vice and one other companion. Now go!!"

The three demons flew out of the window with joyful grins.

Marina stared at a hood covered Ian, expressing her boredom.

"I can't train myself because I have no clue how my powers work, I can't talk to Elisa cause she won't speak to me, so what do I do?"

"Why not use the computer?"

"Matt's hogging it again. Help me....."

Matt ran from the living room.

"Guys, there's someone heading for us."

"Can you tell who it is?"

"Yeah, it looks like...Violet!"


Ian's eyes glimmered with hope.

"Get Elisa. I'll go greet her with Marina."

"That's not a good idea-"

Ian ignored her, sprinting out the door and towards Violet.


Violet looked up, cracking an ear to ear smile.

"Ian! It's really you!"

"So...How did you get free from them?"

"Their security isn't the best. Once they got distracted, it was easy."

Ian sighed with relief.

"So, are you alright?"

Violet didn't answer. Instead, she stared past him with disgust. Marina met her eyes, looking away and at Ian.

"...Why's she here?"

Marina replied, squeezing Ian's hand in an effort to tell him not to talk.

"Ian dragged me out here. Heh...."

Marina wiped the sweat from her forehead. She didn't know what was worse, being bored or being face to face with someone who was giving her the death stare.

"Um...I'll go get drinks. You two can come on inside and chat for a bit."

Marina rushed inside, not waiting for a response. This wasn't the meanest thing Violet had done, but with Ian there...It felt a million times worse. She got two glasses of ice water and plopped in pink straws. 

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