-Chapter 6-

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Marina gasped as she saw Dezra's open wounds. He wouldn't survive without medical help. 

"Elisa, do your water thing and clean out the injuries. Then get Matt to do his thing. Angelica needs to make sure that nobody has found the lab."

Marina looked into Dezra's shaken eyes.

"Did they say anything before they did this to you?"

"Cough, Yes. They said that they wanted two people to go and sacrifice something important to them."

"Did they specify anything?"

"No, only that it had to be something that wasn't superficial, like money or makeup."

Marina thought for a moment, then solemnly asked if she could go.

"What? You're the one they asked for in the ransom. Of course not! You could get killed."

"So can everyone else."

"Yes, but you're the one who had powers before everyone else did. We saw you fighting and we saw the power flowing from you."

"Well if this team is all about killing people I care about, I don't want to be in it anymore."

Marina stormed off, but not without Ian running after her.

"Wait! Without us, you could get hurt."

"I don't need you to protect me. I can protect myself just as well as you can protect me."

"But I care about you!"

Marina stopped, frozen in place.

"Look, I don't want you to die okay? You're important to us."

"And you're important to me. Don't make me hurt you."

"Marina, please-"


Marina broke through his grip, running until she couldn't see anyone anymore. She tripped on a rock, stopped, and burst into tears. She wished she could go back and apologize to Ian, but there was no turning back now. She closed her eyes and jumped into the portal.

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