-Chapter 11-

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Elisa grumbled something about the number of time people here have fainted and went to the "lab".  She plopped Marina down on the couch lazily. It used to be Dezra who got them into the most trouble,  but now that he was gone, Marina seemed to be going nuts. Why was she acting so off? Elisa left, leaving Marina to suffer. 

Let her suffer. She doesn't deserve to be forgiven for all of this anyway.

Marina might not have been awake, but she certainly was thinking. Why did she do this? Why did she follow a random stranger to a weird house thing? Why did she ever try to confront the blob guy in the first place? Why oh why did she have to be born into a world which was more confusing then video game controls???? Marina thought that nothing could be worse. Marina woke up. She pretended to sleep so she wouldn't get in any trouble. Angelica started to walk into the living room. She closed her eyes and hope she wouldn't get caught for her deception.

"Marina...You are an idiot."

Not something you'd expect from a supposed angel.

"You've caused nothing but trouble for us, and you never say sorry. I can understand everyone else doing this, but why you?"

Marina wished she could reach out to her and explain this to Angelica, but she didn't understand anything. How would she explain this to anyone?

"Either way, I wish you would just...Nevermind."

Angelica's shoes clicked softly on the floor. It got softer until it was inaudible. Marina opened one eye to see if she was gone. Everyone was talking in Angelica's room. She couldn't hear Ian, so she assumed he was in another room. She closed her eyes, wishing she wasn't so focused on making everyone happy. Shoes hit the floor. Marina listened closely, hoping for a summary of the conversation the "team" was having. She heard a stool being pulled up beside the couch. It was Matt and Ian.

"Honestly man, I don't see why you like her."

Clearly an annoyed Matt. She felt bad for taking advantage of his kindness, but in all fairness, he was the only nice person there.

"I mean, she drugged you guys, made us chase after her several times, and all for what? Our undying sympathy? Cause if this happens again, I won't have any more sympathy for her, and neither will the team. You heard them. There's no way they'll be able to forgive her."

One of them fidgeted. Probably Ian, as she saw him do a lot in class.

"Why did you even try to make an argument for her side? If what you're saying is true, she's hurt you more times than you'll ever admit. At least give her a piece of your mind."

Ian sighed.

"It's not that simple, Matt. You know that better than anyone. In this world, nothing is simple anymore. I can't stay mad at her for long, you know? Just look at her."

Marina felt nervous about the idea of two people staring into her soul.

"You're hopeless. I'm going to leave you two lovebirds alone. You have fun staring at her."

Marina heard Matt walk away, slamming a door behind him. She felt so...Confused? She was having seriously conflicting emotions right now.

And whose fault is that?

Marina didn't let her self-loathing thoughts control her for long, because soon enough came Ian's faltering voice.

"You're really dumb, you know? You could've just told me that Angelica was mad at you. I could have asked her myself. But since you're so selfless, you put matters into your own hands."

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