-Chapter 4-

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Marina ignored the blaring attention from her classmates. Despite her parent's doubts about the safety of going, Marina went back to school, planning to talk to Britney and Elisa. As she closed her locker, she felt someone beside her. 

"Hey, Marina. Just wanted to say that it was awesome when you beat up that creepy blob thing. I mean does anyone expect to be visited by nightmare fuel?"

Marina turned around to meet the face of Ian. Ian was a classmate of hers who didn't talk to her much. She laughed at his unexpected joke. 

"In all seriousness, it was pretty terrifying. But I couldn't have possibly done it without the support of everyone here."

"Are you quoting the interview you did a few days ago?"


Ian smiled at Marina. If there was one thing they had in common, it was cracking jokes together if there was an opportunity.

"So...See you at class then."

"See ya, Ian!"

Ian waved as he walked down the hall. When he was out of earshot, her friends came out of nowhere. 

"So, who was that guy?"

"You don't know Britney? He sits beside you in literally every class."

"Well, do you like-like him?"

"What? No! I haven't liked anyone for years. Actual years. We were just talking about how I destroyed that blobby thing."

"Then how did he know where your locker was?"

"Anyone would if you became a star-ish person."

Britney rolled her eyes.

"ANYWAYS, did you know that our tormentor likes him?"


"Whatever, let's go."


Marina walked home alone, reviewing how her day went.

Violet is still missing, a person I barely talk to might like me, and I got attacked yesterday. What could be better? In all seriousness, today was kinda neutral. I mean the former wasn't so great, but school wasn't that bad without Violet bugging me about superficial stuff, I guess. I hope she's okay though.

No matter how much she was hurt by a person, she could never hurt any of them. Although her previous actions proved otherwise, Marina was a pacifist. She didn't hurt people on purpose unless it was necessary, which was now proving to be good. Marina glanced at the house next door, which was the same one that she saw the moving painting thing. Now that she was closer, she could see it clearly. It had rugged edges and the more she looked at it, the more she was entranced by it.  She slowly stepped closer, trying to get a good look at the background. She suddenly tripped, which shouldn't be possible. She was only a hair's distance away from it. Instead of hitting the wall of the building, Marina fell straight forwards, hitting a very rough patch of dirt. She got up to look around, but everything looked different. There was a dirt path running past where she fell, and it the environment was covered in fires farther down. Even with the fire burning, and the distant sound of a hot breeze,  it was fairly quiet until Marina heard an ear-piercing scream which echoed. Marina ran towards the sound, being cautious of the citizens hovering around. 

This is weird. Why aren't they on the ground walking? Maybe it's a trick of the eye.

Marina continued until she was lost. Helpless, she struggled to find the path.  She dared not to interact with anyone, who knows how cruel they could be. She ran through what seemed like a portal out of the strange landscape. She rushed into her house and called the police and then her friends.

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