-Chapter 15-

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Marina walked out the door of her home, bumping into someone on the steps.

"Oh, I'm so-Dezra..."

Dezra looked to the side.

"Um, I've been looking up and down the block, but I can't find anyone with an electronic device on them. Do you have one?"

"They probably were using them to call the cops or were too terrified by your demon form to give it to you."

Dezra looked around sheepishly.

"Oh. Do you have a tablet or a phone or something?"

It seemed less like a question because Dezra's eyes were joyful and staring at the earbud cord coming out of her pocket.

"Um, why do you need it?"

"No reason in particular. Please hand it over. Thanks!"

Before Marina could hand it to him, Dezra snatched the phone out of her outstretched hand. He started recording, flying up in the air as he talked.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN...And non-binary people, I guess? You know what, screw it. HUMANS OF EARTH...No, that sounds like I'm an alien. Whatever. Umm, my superiors told me to come here to tell you that we're declaring war. Blood, gore, and propaganda for everyone! In all seriousness, prepare to die."

Dezra hit the screen.

"There, done!"

Marina was stiff.


"Hey, it wasn't me! It was Lilith... Either way here's your phone."

Dezra dropped the phone through her hand. He flushed.

"Oh. Make sure you have your feather, Marina!"

Feather? That seemed so-Oh no. Marina had lost the angel feather. She picked up her phone, texting Ian as fast as her ghost hands would let her.

Umm, Ian. We're screwed.

What is it?

I kinda lost the angel feather thing. ':(

R u Serious??? O-o Where did you last have it? -_-

I think @ the building where I died...

Oh.  I'll screenshot this and send it 2 the team.

Marina dropped her phone, running to school. She checked the status. 

Closed again. I'll never get a full education after this.

Marina walked back into her house, walking straight into her room. She plopped on her bed, staring at the ceiling endlessly. Her sister walked in, brandishing a ball of light. Lucia aimed for Marina's eyes.

"Ow! Mom, Lucia's blinding me again!"

"Lucia, don't be mean to your sister. She's had a rough week."

Lucia made a face, lowering the light ball to Marina's stomach. Lucia gasped.


Marina looked down. She could see the light hitting the bed covers. Lucia's eyes widened.

"It's-Not what you think, sis..."

Lucia ran away screaming. Marina covered her face, shaking her head. Why did this have to be the way that Lucia found out that she was dead? Marina let out a groan. Another day of online classwork. Whoop de dee... Marina felt someone walk over to her.

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