Chapter 1

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      Jordans pov

"alpha bissette", I snapped my head towards the voice that came from the door.

And I looked straight towards the only man who would dare to disturb me, when the door to my office was obviously closed.

And only because Chad, is one of my only close friends and the beta of my pack.

My pack is known as the Light Pearl. To most, our choice in name is ironic in the werewolf society, for we are known throughout the world for our ruthlessness. They claim we only crave blood, and war.

But that isn't true, we to crave peace and harmony. We to wish to find love in our life mates. This however doesn't make us oblivious to the obvious evils of the world.

Our desire to find our life mates is what drives our success as a pack. And if some are harmed in that process, their deaths are mere casualties that couldn't be avoided.

If there was ever a time when I needed my mate, it's now. My pack is feeling the effects of being without a luna, they are losing hope in themselves and even though they would never admit it. They are losing hope in me as their leader.

I mentally shake my head from those thoughts,  I have a pack that needs me to remain focused. I can't afford to dwell on what I can't change.

"Alpha?", Chad questions.

"What is it Chad?"

"I, um, I thought you would like to know that, the new human has finished moving in"

I growl lowly, hearing the reason for his interrupting me. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against humans. But they are fragile little things, that constantly need looking after and protecting.

If I hadn't had a moment of weakness, this one wouldn't have been able, to set foot on his territory. Which just so happened to be the whole town.

I don't have time, to babysit these weak creatures, on top of looking after my pack.

"Make sure she doesn't wonder into the woods."

"Yes, Alpha" , Chad turned around and left my office without making a sound.

I stood up and walked towards the end of my office. I looked out far into the woods, I knew everything about this place. Just how far my acres of land went, I knew every tree, cave and house that stood on this land.

I brushed my hair away from my scarred face, using my fingers. I knew this as a sign of nerves. The truth is, since this morning, I have been overwhelmed with a sense of anticipation. And I couldn't pin point the cause.

And because of this, my wolf has been trying to gain control and hunt for the cause of our nerves. He was literally clawing at my insides trying to escape. I could however, sense that whatever was setting us off, was close and about to happen anytime soon.


Sandy's pov

My name is Sandy Gordon and I have just moved into this town, called Dark Palm. And now that my packing is done, I have decided I need a walk.

Which is why I'm walking in the woods following a faded path. The reason why I'm in the middle of nowhere however, is that I just lost parents.  John and Jenny,  my adoptive parents, were killed in a car accident. So i decide i needed a break, and I needed a new start.

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