Chapter 3

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  Sandy's pov

I woke up feeling slightly disorientated.  I raise my hand, trying to bloke the sunlight, coming from the sliding doors that leads to the balcony. 

I snap right up, realising that this wasn't my room. I look around and everything that happened yesterday,  came flashing back. Luke.

Luke transforming

The bigger wolf

The stranger

The packhouse

And finally falling asleep on a strangers couch

But what didn't make sense, was what she was doing in this room. It was a nice looking room, with was decorated on black and grey with a splash of red here and there. 

***** sorry guys I'm terrible at describing places... enough about that back 2 the story*****  

The bed i was lying on, occupied half of the room. The bed was huge, all in all this room felt really masculine.

" mama, you are awake." Luke exclaimed,  he was running straight towards me on the bed. Before I could jump off the bed so I could catch him, he jumps straight into my awaiting arms. knocking me out of breath in the process.

" Where have you been, little buddy?" I questioned, not even bothering to correct him. I figured he was as good as mine anyway.

"We went to go get food"

This caught my attention. I was nervous about my baby's safety. And nobody was going to hurt my little boy, not even a huge a** wolf.

"Who were you with Angel, did they hurt you, are you okay?"

I kept repeating these questions,  while running my hands over his body. I was frantically checking to see, if he was harmed in anyway.

"'m okay mummy wee with Chad"

"Who is Chad honey? " I was beyond confused but at least they hadn't hurt him or anything.

"Chad is my Beta... The man that bought you here"

My head snapped it attention at the sound of the voice, coming from the door that Luke had just walked in from.

But the person that blocked the entry was no child. no he is all MALE! And something deep within me wanted him for myself. I felt joined with him, by just the sound of his voice.

He stood tall maybe 6'5, with broad shoulders that covered the door frame. He had dark black hair that was in a military cut. He was very tan but no so bad that it looked fake. He had a sharp jawline, which made him look like he had been sculptured from rocks. The right side of his face was covered with scars that hadn't completely healed.

I won't lie he looked scary, like he could snap and kill you at any moment. I could tell even from a distance away that he was a force to be reckoned with when angered.

His eyes are what captured me, if you look at them they look like a boring grey. But when  you look closely you could see little specks of gold.

Something told me that, just like his eyes, there are parts of him that are left hidden. You have to want to get to know him better and be willing to be patient. What I didn't know was,  if I wanted to be the person to discover who he truly was. underneath all those scars and stone hard muscle. And if I did... why?

He must be the Alpha. I concluded, he radiates power.

"I am Alpha Jordan Bissett, I hear there is something you wish to discuss with me" 

his voice sounded hard and rough almost as though, he wasn't used to speaking.

Or maybe he just doesn't want to talk to the likes of me.

"um n-no, I mean yes. um are you the Alpha?" I don't know what that was, I'm a reasonable adult. I don't stutter and fumble with my words,  just because I'm in front of a sexy man. 

more like a sexy Greek god. This I couldn't deny, how can I when this intimidating mass of male perfection was standing in front of me. Even with his scars, I couldn't help but be attracted to him.

Stop it Sandy! you shouldn't be checking out the Alpha, it's not what you came here for after all.

But all of a sudden I couldn't remember what I came to do. All my senses were on overdrive, and every part of my body told me to go to the Alphas side.  And never leave him.

But that would be impossible,  his a wolf, an Alpha wolf at that! what would he possible see in me.

But deep inside, I could not shake the feeling that he needed me, as much as I felt I needed him.

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