Chapter 19

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Sandy's pov

It's been 2 days since my accident,  and a week since I've been here. Jordan has been very attentive,  to the line of borderline crazy.

But I didn't mind that much, unfortunately I couldn't give this away cause it would only encourage his obsessive behaviour.

Don't get me wrong,  I love him. But he just won't let me be me.

Ghosh,  he can be soo... frustrating sometimes.

The first day he wouldn't let me out of his sight, but when he tried to enter the bathroom,  that's where even I drew the line.

Since the "incident" as I like to call it, he doesn't want to let me out of his sight. And when I tried explaining that I was fine,  he would reply, saying that he just wants to be sure because he doesn't want to lose me...

If I knew that me passing out would lead to his attentiveness,  I would have fainted sooner.

No I'm joking, I couldn't and wouldn't put him or anyone else through what he went through. Seeing what must have looked like a lifeless body...

A shiver went through my spine,  I had goosebumps on my light brown skin.

I did everything in my power to avoid answering him, when he asked me if there was anything wrong with me. I couldn't exactly tell him that this isn't the first time, this has happened.  And that on most days, I'm perfectly fine.

He would demand too many explanations, explanations I didn't feel ready to give.   Plus if he found out, he would dash back out of the exit, leaving me heartbroken. 

How do you find the strength to tell the man you love,  that your broken goods. That pieces within don't fit as they should.  How do you find the courage to tell him that there isn't anything anyone can do to fix you...

I furiously wiped the tears of weakness escaping from my eyes, I had accepted a long time ago that I wasn't perfect.  And now at this age, after 15 years of coming to terms with my disease, I'm find myself wishing... hoping that I could be perfect. That by some miracle, God would fix what has been left shattered within me.

But that's a fairytale,  told by mothers to sooth upset children.

But a part of me still held hope that maybe one day... maybe not anytime soon.  But one day, I'll be made whole again.

But until that day, I shall live life as though it's my last. Leaving no doubt in me, in the future,  that I had lived a full and complete life.

The past two days have been fun, Jordan had made it his mission to ensure my happiness.  He has taken me and Luke out, nothing fancy, just picnics at lunch time.

We would walk around the pack territory,  teaching me and Luke about wolves history. 

I have to admit that, had I not known and actually seen them shift  before me, I would have thought him crazy.

Today however, was different it was just me and Jordan.  Luke had gone to the local creche, he wasn't to trilled about leaving my side. The poor angel blamed himself, for my accident and no matter how hard I told him otherwise,  he just didn't accept it.

It wasn't until Jordan stepped up,  promising the little boy that he would protect me with his life that he agreed to go with the other kids. Luke had vigorously nodded his head, seemingly to approve of this new plan.

My men are a Protective pair but, I wouldn't change a single thing about them.

So it was me and Jordan in his little sanctuary,  I was laying down on my back with my hands on my chest.

I feared where they may stray to, if I didn't keep them on me.

Jordan was sitting next to me, his head was faced forcibly. His jaw would clench every now and then. I knew he had something on his mind, I was just wondering what it was.

I just hope it's not about my accident again.

I sigh, and sit up.

I was tired of the silence, his been like this since this morning.

"What's on your mind Jordan,  you are miles away from me?" I questioned.


I cut him off, before he could lie to me.

"That's not true, now tell me" my voice must have shown him that this wasn't up for debate. 

"The elders have demanded me to introduce you this evening"

I let out a humorous laugh...

Someone, demanding something from Jordan, now that's funny.

Jordan looked at me with a pointed glare, as though I had grown an extra head.

"Sorry i didn't mean to" I we planned,  " it's just that I don't see you doing something you have been ordered by someone else.  Especially if it's not something you want to do"

I saw a ghost if a smile touch my mates lips.  And i found myself wishing he would smile a bit more often.

He looks really gorgeous when he does...

I turned away from him, embarrassed by my train of thought. 

"That's true enough but, it's a mandatory process" he replied, " my-our pack need to know their Luna, they need you to reassure them of your loyalty"

I was completely bewildered at what Jordan was trying to tell me. A pack of hundreds,  needing a human to reassure them... wolves!

To me it was complete nonsense but, then again I know nothing about the werewolf society.

We seemed to silently agree that we should talk about this later. The rest of the day we just spoke about ourselves, I told him about my lost loved ones and he told me about his one remaining sibling, who was away with his parents. 

overall it was an enjoyable day, around 2pm we headed back to the pack house. Jordan holding my hand the whole way.

Once we reached my... his room originally, he kissed my cheek and told me to dress casually for this evening. When i asked him why, he told me casually.

"To introduce you to the pack"

Then he walked away, leaving me with my mouth agape.

Sh*t just got real!

I thought...

* * * Hey guys!

I don't have much to say, I'm writing tomorrow but I had this chapter stuck in my head...

How was it?

I hope it's long enough, I really can't tell cause I'm using my phone to update.

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Love yall

Mandy * * *

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