Chapter 30

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Sandy's pov

I woke up with a terrible headache, and when I tried to get up it only managed to worsen it.

I felt huge hands pushing me back down on the bed. A bed that didn't belong to me, and by hands that don't belong to my mate. 

I started to panic,  I raised my hands and pushed away the hand. I placed my hand on my chest and tried to calm myself, but nothing seems to work. This caused me to panic even more.

Great I've been kidnapped but I'll die from a panic attack!

"My Queen you need to relax, I don't wish you harm"  a male voice reassured me.

"yeah because kidnapping me doesn't give me a right to freaken panic! " I retorted harshly

The stranger replied. "I wasn't apart of the men who got you kidnapped. "

"Really? " I questioned sarcastically. He can't expect me to believe him! "then who was huh? Your the one in the room with me!"

He started. "My name is Gabriel."

The name sounded familiar, but I'm not good with names so I could be wrong.

He continued to explain. " I am Jordans younger brother..."

"What kind of brother are you, don't you know I'm your brothers mate?! Shame on you" I shouted

"Would you let me finish?" He shouted, then murmured something to himself, to softly for me to make out. "The guys that kidnapped you, kept us here to. They let me in here to look after you, since I'm a doctor"

"Forgive me if I'm still lost,  my head is still spinning"

"Don't worry that will pass in a few minutes.  The guys that had you kidnapped,  had taken over the castle a few weeks ago.  They are trying to get Jordan to give up the throne, so they can rule."

I finally looked around the room and I had to admit that it looked to grand to be anything but a castle. Or maybe a fancy hotel,  but what kidnapper takes their victim to a fancy hotel?  I am currently lying on a king sized bed, which had a gold and brown coloured duvet.  The pillows were brown with golden strips on the ends.  Gabriel was sitting me in a vintage chair, with its table besides me.  The room itself was huge, with several doors leading to who knows where. But one door on the far side of where my bed is, is half open and all I can make it is another room completely that resembled a living room.

And despite or because of the situation I was in, I couldn't help but let out a little chuckle.  Gabriel gave me the what the f*ck is so funny look.  I hiccuped a few time, while trying to gain control of myself again.

"Sorry, it's just that these idiots logic baffles me. They can't be that stupid.  Not only did they just piss of a really powerful Alpha, they took his mate to taunt him"

Gabriel shook his head a few times in wonder. "it seems like Jordan got himself a really faithful mate"

"you got that right, and hell will freeze over before I allow them to use me as leverage to ruin this Kingdom!" I felt a wave of power pass through my mate bond.

This must have alerted Jordan that I'm awake cause then I heard his frantic voice reach out to our mate bond. "Sandy... spitfire are you okay, where are you Angel, come on Angel will you please say something..?"

"I would if you would let me" I retorted smartly. "I'm fine Alpha,  I'm at the castle and I'm with you brother.  How come you didn't tell me he was a doctor? "

"My brother! what does he have to do with this?" He growled.

"Would you relax, then maybe I could explain.. "

I heard him well more like felt him sigh in surrender, then he told me to continue.  I gave him a rundown of how my morning went. And even the knowledge of my health couldn't calm my nate down,  after he he heard what I had to say.

" Jordan I think it's time you took the throne,  and claimed your place as the rightful heir."

"What no, I can't and I won't..." he started "which part if they want me to give it up so I can save your life didn't you get?"

"You can't seriously have been considering that" and by his lack of answer, I knew that he had been. "Jordan, you fool, you will not be doing any such thing. Do you understand my Alpha?"

He murmured incoherently.  So I raised my voice higher "Do you understand me Alpha?"

"Yes ma'am..."

"Good, I love you Alpha be safe okay?"

"okay angel, say high to my brother for me"

"Will do, ow and Alpha?"

"Yeah spitfire? "

"I've got some great news that I want to share, with my new family"

"Really now, what could that be?" I could practically see his smirk of triumph,  even though I knew he had no idea what my news were.

"I'm not telling... do what needs to be done. One more thing Alpha..."

"What's that spitfire? "

"Kill everyone,  who dared go against the kingdom."

He let out a fierce growl in agreement then promised. "I'll see you in a few hours, I love you Angel"

Then the mind link went silent, but I could feel little pulses in our mate bond that served to reassure me, that my mate wasn't harmed.

"We're you talking to Jordan?" I heard Gabriel ask.

"What gives you that idea?" I questioned

"Well I've been talking to you for 15 minutes and you haven't replied. Plus you looked like you were day dreaming"

"Then yes I was. And he says hi"

"did he say what he has planned"

"Yeah... destroy and conquer"

Gabriel let out a loud, humorous laugh.  I laid my head back on the pillow and waited for my mate to take us home.

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