Chapter 29

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Alpha Jordans pov

I watched as Sandy left with Luke to go to school, I closed the door. I made my way to my office to get started with my day, if I was going to be done by the time that Sandy gets back I had to start now.

I rotated my shoulders,  trying to relieve some of the tension that had built up.  I called Chad and Sam who was my head warrior. I needed the basic report back on the patrols on my territory.

What i didn't expect was for both the men in question to burst into my office,  as if their tails were in fire.

20 minutes after I called them.!

But before I could chasten them for their unruly behaviour.  They said something that left flabbergasted.

"Alpha the Luna has been kidnapped"

"What do you mean she has been kidnapped?" My wolf growled in demand. I wanted to gain control back so I can come up with a rational plan. But my wolf wasn't haven't it.

Our mate is in danger, there is no time for your hissy fit! He directed to me.

You see my point,  all you want to do is argue when we could be getting facts and trying to come up with a plan.

He reluctantly agreed, giving me control over my body again.  But not before he hissed. "if you don't come up with a plan soon, I'm taking back control human"

Usually I'd agree more with him, because of him referring me as human. But I had no time to practice such luxury. 

"What exactly happened?"

Chad's face was grim." She was snatched before her first class, the school security shows that there are a total of 4 men, who snatched the Luna. We have classified them as rogues. However, we are unable to identify anything."

"But how did they pass security and reception?"

"They hit everyone in their path with a tranquiliser sir" replied Sam 

I was overcome with the need to hit something, so that's exactly what I did. My office walls now has four holes, where I just punched without mercy. I took in deep calming breaths, trying to keep my shift from happening. 

I know I now looked beastly, no not because I was in wolf form. 

No I was something more sinister,  more evil and uncontrollable.  I was half man, half beast.

The only reason I am able to shift to this form, is because of my wolf's lineage. Because he is part of the Originals.

I turned around, facing Chad and Sam.
"Call in the pack. NOW!"

I headed to the backyard where the pack had gathered.  I could practical smell the fear in them, rolling off in waves.

They know the Legend of the Originals, can you blame them?

I stood in front of them, and demanded silence.  My presence alone,  demanded submission.  Submission of even other Alphas.  That's why they tremble before my presence. 

Hence why the Elder Council, wants me to take my throne. 

"I have called you here,  because our Luna has been taken in our grounds. I don't know yet how, they knew of our weakness or the Lunas routine. What I do know, is that if I sniff a traitor in this pack. Know now that you have sealed your immediate death."

I couldn't care less that the levels of terror increased, I couldn't care less that the pack I led feared me more now then they have before. Cause they were right to fear me, fear this. This beast that has been forced to surface, cause as of this moment nothing mattered more then saving my mates life.

And may the God, that Sandy is forever praying to, have mercy on the lives and souls of the wolves that laid their filthy paws on my mate. Cause when I get my hands on them,  they will wish they had turned around in their mothers womb.

"Now prepare for battle, I want anyone who dared go against me, to tremble in fear. I want all the pack warriors to stay, and all females and any remaining males to take the children and follow the instructions placed during the drills. Well... what are you waiting for,  the next Golden era, get moving"

*** okay, that's it for now. I don't know how long it will take me to come up with the next scene playing in my head.

Hope you enjoyed.

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