Chapter 2

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"relax, they won't hurt you" the stranger promised. I guess he was trying to reassure me. It hadn't even crosses my mind that they may want to hurt me and not Luke. but here I guess I was the only imposter. 

"they are just curious and weary about your presence. And why you are proactively holding one of our pups"

"Come this way"

He led me into the the main mansion, that stood taller then the rest. The house was beautiful, the furniture was vintage in style, which made it feel like a home the  just a house. The antique features were all placed in one spot, which would have made the house look like a museum.   

"this is the pack house, stay here and the alpha will be down shortly." 

I walked towards what looked like the living room.  I took a seat with Luke placed on my lap I grabbed the blanket and securely wrapped it around his small frame. He looked sleepy. poor little guy. I thought. so I held him to my chest and sang him to sleep.

I looked around trying to occupy myself, I lay flat on the couch stretching my legs. I secured Luke making sure he won't fall off me. and soon joined him in a much needed nap.


Alpha Jordan Bissett pov

"Alpha bissett"

I heard my name coming from the door, and I looked up and saw Chad. 

"I hope you don't make a habit out of disturbing me Chad" 

"Um, of course not Alpha. There is someone here to see you. "

I sigh,  I look at all the official paper work, that I still have to do. look at the bright side, at least it's not about that human.

" Actually sir, um it is" Chad replied, I then realised that I had spoken through the mind link.

I studied Chads frame, what I saw didn't please me. The man was visibly shaking like a leaf against harsh winds. And for the first time in my life, I wondered if I were that horrible that even my Beta feared me.

And if that truly was the case, how would my mate handle being stuck with me forever. I shake my head hard trying to get rid of these thoughts.

I will cross that bridge, when the time comes. I decide. 

"What has she done?"  I asked. I had no time to waste,  it's best to get straight to the point. And handle whatever I need to.

" well sir, she is downstairs"  said Chad.

I was sure I had misheard him but I knew there was nothing wrong with my hearing.

"WHAT! Explain now!"  I demanded, I was beyond pissed. I gave him one order,  to keep him away from the woods and he decides to bring her here!

He explained exactly what happened in the woods. And the bond that was formed between the pup and human.

I don't know who I was more angry at, my Beta, who failed to do the one thing I had ordered him to do. Or this human who has been more trouble and a burden in a day, then my pack ever has been.

"So she wants to adopt this boy" I questioned. 

"Yes Alpha"

"Where is she exactly ?"

"Um, in the living room Alpha" Chad replied.

"let's go before she gets herself into more trouble"

I headed down the tails of the pack house with Chad hot on my tail. Just before I entered the living room, I was almost knocked out by a new mouth watering scent.

MATE! My wolf cried out. "Find mate now"

I raise my head trying to locate the source of the scent. I follow it into the living room and there's the reason  for my existence,  laying on the couch with a child on her chest. 

"She is gorgeous" I let out in one breath. 

"Alpha?" Chad calls out, I had completely forgotten, that he was next to me. 

" What's her name?"   I demanded,  trying to cover up my short lapse.


Her name was perfect for her. She was perfect with her light brown complexion,  much like the sand at the beach. Her oval face was covered by a head full of black hair. 

All in all she was very pretty, no she was gorgeous all all mine

but also very much human. 


*** Hey guys I just want to warn you, that I haven't edited my work. I hope I will be able to very soon. but I hope you enjoy what I have written so far. love yall***

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