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Sandy's pov

"Noooo! Please... Please Alpha, don't you die on me. We have come too far, h-have sacrificed too much for it to end like this. Baby the kingdom needs you... I need you." I couldn't help but hiccup over the flow of my tears.

It was surreal that he still isn't here with me now. Watching me grow into a whale, as our little bundle of joy started to take form. Under Lukes special supervision of course. This made me smile sadly. 

I'm now 4 months pregnant,  that's what I wanted to surprise Jordan with. But I never got the chance. After he was shot, and I-i killed a man. He lost  too much blood.  There... There wasn't much that Gabriel could do but patch him up and then all we had to do was wait. 

But waiting is as dreadful as watching him bleed. The waiting around, not being sure if he will make it or not. I hate the very idea that I could loss my mate in the end of this, that...that my little babies could loss their father...

I can't bare the thought of that happening! " You have to wake up! Do you understand me Alpha, you can't die on us, you can't give up on our family. I love you baby..." I couldn't take it anymore, I let the tears flow down my face. My emotions were already high, but the pregnancy was also adding to my grief.

I hated that I couldn't enjoy this little bundle of joy completely.  I was stuck between complete joy and utter grief. It wasn't fair on me, Jordan, Luke or my unborn babies.

"Have you eaten something,  Sandy?" Asked Gabriel,  we are still in the castle, our new home. Gabriel has taken over my care, making sure that I ate healthy and got a few hours of sleep. I felt like a kid caught sticking her finger in the cookie jar.
He had that effect on me. This made me want to sulk even more.

"Yes I had a bowl of fruit and a glass of milk" usually I hate milk, buy these babies seem to be changing a few things. 

"Good, now let me check on my other patient" he made his way to my mates bed and started touching and readjusting a few tubes. This made me want to scream at him, not to mess with my mates stuff.

I quickly inhaled, trying to calm myself. I started rubbing my almost nonexistent belly, except for a small bump that was visible especially to wolves. 

Our pack has officially moved in, with the other royal pack. Things have been interesting.  I met Jordans family, I wasn't impressed with his father after what he did to my mate. A part of me wanted to struggle him, and since I'm pregnant, I have every right to blame that urge on hormones. 

The pack helped me move Jordans and I's clothes and personal items. Luke moved into the room across from ours with Gabriel next to his.

Gabriel said it's just a matter of time before he wakes up. He is just napping,  I recall him saying a few days ago. Apparently after a wolf accepts the throne, he is meant to what I understand hibernate.  This is so he can grow into his position as ruler, you know increase strength,  speed, senses, link with all wolves and so on and so forth.  These are things that jordans wolf forced him to get all at once, because of his need to protect me.

Hearing this, made me feel so guilty.   Now he is taking longer to recuperate. Usually it takes a month  with a few weeks, for Jordan it's been two months, 3 weeks and 4 days... Roughly.

I was resting besides him in bed, I had my head resting on the pillow right next to Jordan. I couldn't help but reflect back on how we had met, how reluctant he was to allow me in. But as time went he couldn't help but be possessive, and I couldn't help but like it.

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