Chapter 20

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Sandy's pov

After Jordans little announcement,  I frantically looked around the room. Looking for something,  anything that I could wear to the ceremony. 

After about 30 minutes the room looked a mess, all the clothes that Jordan had bought me when he found out I was his mate, were tossed on the bed. And the ones that didn't make it on the bed, were laying on the floor.

I sat down on the pile, ready to give up on finding anything suitable.  I didn't have any girlfriends here to help me out, and most of the females on this pack weren't very affectionate. 

Meaning I was utterly and completely alone.

I felt so frustrated...

I was about ready to scream and pull my hair out when I found it.

The perfect dress!

I got up, and headed to take a quick shower.

Once done, I took the hairdryer to dry my wet hair. I  curled my hair then put it in a nice updo with a few tendrils loose.

Next I worked on my makeup, nothing fancy. I liked the natural look anyway.

After my make up was done, I got my dress and put it on. 

It was white, the lacey part covered my rather gifted bust, all the way to the collar bone, then at the back it had one pearl button. The rest of the back was open. It held me tight on my flat waist and flowed loosely down to my knees. I added a small gold belt. With this I wore simple black high heels that made me 5'9.

I made my way to the mirror,  checking how the whole outfit looked. I must say it all came great together. 

This made me smile wider.

And to think, that if anyone had told me a week ago, that werewolves existed I would have laughed at their faces.

But here i am standing in front of the mirror,  checking to see if I was presentable to be in a werewolf crowd.

But not as a quest, but as their Luna, their leader their guide!

I shook my head,  I was becoming agitated. 

What have i gotten myself into?

I managed to  fall in love,  with an alpha that is considered heartless and ruthless,  in just under a week!

I  now have a son, but I couldn't regret that. Actually I don't regret any of this. I love these people, I love my son and I most certainly love my unpredictable, protective and annoyingly sexy mate.

I couldn't wait to be a permanent part of this pack... my pack.

I stepped away from the mirror and went to my dresser to find my watch.  It read 5:30 pm.

I had no clue what time Jordan would be here so I decide to clean  up the mess I had made to occupy me,  before he got here.

And at exactly 6 pm, I heard someone knock on my door.  I put the last pile of clothes in the wardrobe and went to open the door to my....

**** hey guys.!

It's been forever since I updated, I know. But I have been so busy with school,  I can't believe it.

I still can't get my head around it, this much work should be dimmed illegal! 

To top that off,  the original chapter I had written got deleted.  So yeah the struggle to update was real!

Anyway, yes it's short but I'm busy like I said so I'm sorry. By the end of November I'll be done with exams,  so my updates will be more frequent and longer.





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