Chapter 24

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Sandy's pov

I am currently watching TV in the game room with Luke, we are having some mother, son bonding time. Our day had been filled with junk food,  movies laughter,  and pranks on other kids.

Now it was just us and we are currently watching cars. While eating some popcorn,  Jordan couldn't join us because the elders were back. They left shortly after we were finally able to complete the welcoming ceremony. And now they are back for, one reason or another. 

Anyway, I am officially the Luna of the Light Pearl  pack.

And I am immensely proud, of my pack members. For being so welcoming and open hearted. I was also very proud of my gorgeous mate.

Two weeks have passed since that night, when i had finally mated for the first time,  with Jordan.  And every time I think about it, I could feel my cheeks change a few shades.  I found out the next day that he marked me! That ass!

Imagine my surprise when I wake up the next day, and headed to the bathroom, only to find my skin permanently marked. And it's not like it was a small tattoo sort of thing. It was huge, and seemingly getting bigger,  right before my very eyes!

So I, like any normal person, started to scream my freaken head off. 

It's good to assume that my hysterical scream woke my mate up.  His face was alert, his teeth firmly clenched. To put it in simple words he looked murderous.

And extremely sexy!

He had looked frantically around the room, trying to pin point the source of my distress.  But all he has to do is look at my FREAKEN neck!!

"What is wrong? " he had questioned.

I then pointed at my neck,  while jumping around hysterically.  Tears were pouring down my face. I could tell he didn't know how to proceed,  I'm sure he had never before dealt with a crazy hysterical black women, jumping around crying, all while pointing at her neck, like she was being attacked my demons.

"Spitfire, everything is okay..." he said, he reached for my arms and nestled me close to his chest. Patiently waiting for me to calm down.

And when I was finally calm, he lifted my chin, so that I could look at his striking grey eyes. That were more gold, then they have ever been before. 

He tentatively wiped the tear stains off, never once breaking eye contact.

"Are you okay?" He'd asked

"Y-yes, I-I'll be f-fine" I finally manged to stutter. I dropped my face, looking down at my feet. I was completely and utterly embarrassed,  now that I had some of my head screws back in place.

He must think, I'm so childish!

I was overcome with a need to cry all over again, but this time for a completely different reason.

I sniffed a few times, trying to hold the tears that were burning the back of my eyes.

"Hey hey, no more of that, your okay, we are okay, everything is good okay. Okay spitfire?"  He rubbed my back reassuring until, I had gotten my emotions back in check.

He had dragged us both toward the mirror, that was hung above the sink. I looked at out reflection and I couldn't help but admire us as a couple.

His tall muscular frame, fit perfectly to my small frame. We indeed made a striking couple.

Jordan traced the tattoo,  I couldn't really make it out but it looked like a wolf of sorts. It seemed like a sketch more then anything,  there wasn't any secondary lining. 

"This is my mark" he had started explaining "by mating with me last night, you fully accepted me as yours and you as mine. Sometime during the mating I bite you, leaving behind my mark. It will take a while for it to be complete, how long it will take, depends on the position of the mate couple. To humans there is nothing, only the supernatural can see it."

He had then wrapped me from behind in his arms. While kissing his mark, I moved my neck, giving him all the access he needed. He whispered sweet endearments, while apologising for not warning me. I gave into him, then we headed back to bed and had a repeat of last night. 

Can you blame us, we were on our honeymoon phase.

*** hey guys.

I realised that there was no real drama, to keep you hooked. So that's what I'm working on now.

I can't really say how often I'll update but don't worry,  a week won't pass without a new chapter. I hope you are all happy. This means there most likely won't be a sequel.

Thank goodness!

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