Chapter 16

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Sandy's pov

Saying that I loved him, and convincing myself to fight for him, was proving harder then I expected. 

I spent the rest of Friday sitting around and goofing off with the kids. Then after supper and way past their bed time,  I tucked Luke in bed then headed to Jordan's room.

I had hoped to talk to Jordan,  but maybe it was best to give each other some space. After all, he was going to great lengths to try and avoid me.

I entered the dark room and made my way to the bathroom, to get ready for bed. Afterwards, I made my way to bed suddeny feeling very feverish.  And before i could get to the foot of the bed, my body collapsed. I lay sprawled on the cold tiled floor.

I looked to the bed, trying to will some strength from deep within. but my every attempt landed me back on the floor,  face down and motionless. 

My head was hot to the touch and I felt out of breath and my throat hurt. I didn't understand, where these symptoms were coming from, all of a sudden.

Something wasn't right but I couldn't get up to get help. My body felt too heavy. 

And after several more attempts to get up, I finally gave up. And let my heavy eyelids shut close, from exhaustion. But even then, the only thought that stayed on my mind, as I drifted into the welcoming darkness, was whether or not I'll be able to wake up tomorrow....

And tell Jordan that I lo-lov...

I was then submerged in complete darkness.

Alpha Jordan's pov

I wasn't one to shy away from a challenge,  that's not how you thrive in life. Especially in a life were everywhere you turn there is a potential war brewing under the surface. 

But I found now that being away from Sandy was going to be my biggest challenge yet.

I was torn between rushing to her and pulling her close, closing her in our room and mating her. Leaving no room of doubt that she now belonged to me.  But the other part refused to be that weak, it refused to have a weak link.

And a human was exactly that.  A weakness...

Usually my wolf would have replied with a smart retort.  But since the day we momentarily lost control of our emotions,  he hasn't uttered a single thing to me.

Not even a growl in warning, when I commented about our mates specie.

Maybe he was starting to realise that, i have been right the whole time. And i know what is best for us...

"You think that this void,  is what's best for us?" questioned my wolf  "you think that this half existence is what's best for us!"

My wolf was beyond pissed off at me. His voice roared through my head, leaving me with an unbearable headache.

don't you dare blame this on me!

If it weren't for you I would be with my mate

"OUR mate!"

I was rendered speechless, not because of my wolves comment, but by a sudden intense feeling.

One I couldn't explain. 

I was overcome by the need to find our mate, but I shrugged the feeling off. Convinced that it was part of the mate bond... The need to be with her at all times, that is.

I made my way to my office, however as I passed my room, currently occupied by my mate. I smelt the faintest smell of blood.

I wasted no time,  I picked up speed and entered the room without knocking.

However, nothing could have prepared me for the site of my mate...

on the floor....


Not one sign of life...

*** SURPRISE! !!

aren't you guys happy?

ow I'm not talking about me possibly killing our heroine. I'm talking about the fact that I uploaded, I'm proud of myself.  I didn't want to make u wait a WHOLE week.

I honestly hope you guys are enjoying the book.

I'm sorry I can't reply to some of ur queries,  but I'll do it this way (note at the end of chapter) cause I can't seem to use my email for this....

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Love yall


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