Chapter 12

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Ember had gone from burning hot to cold in an instant. With her head being held down into the water for the fourth time that day, she knew she wouldn't be able to breathe until she was almost about to pass out.

Her mouth opened involuntary, choking on the freezing water. Part of her wanted to give up, but knew she wasn't that kind of person, and didn't want to be that kind of person.

She would fight until the end, and hoped the end wasn't anytime soon. When her head was lifted up again, she took deep breaths, needing as much air as she could get.

By the time she had started breathing normally, she heard the dreaded word, "again."


Ember was tied back up again, her head cloudy and body physically exhausted. "Back for more already?" She asked when the door opened, and she laid her eyes on Michael.

He picked up what she had learned was his favorite weapon from their sessions, the whip. He had used it on her enough that she was sure that most of her back out be scarred by the time she escaped, if she escaped.

She was positive he didn't speak English, and she didn't want the Grounders to know she knew some of their language, so she stayed silent. The metal tip was the only bright thing to her, and it terrified her to even see it.

He smirked, as if knowing the reaction she was having from the sight of it. It was the only thing that she couldn't block out anymore, due to the hard welts it caused. She couldn't hold in her screams with his hard hits, not holding back at all.

He didn't get a chance to go for that long, before Anya walked in and waved him off. She blinked away the tears, unsure of what Anya had planned. She ran her fingers over all the weapons in the room, sending Ember's heart into overdrive.

She wanted to beg to be left alone, but she knew that was what Anya wanted. That's what she wanted her to be reduced to, someone who begged. Ember wouldn't fall to that level. She just had to hold on for as long as she could, for Bellamy to save her like she had been imagining. To protect her like all the times he had in the past.

"I think we'll do with the classic knife, don't you agree?" Anya asked, being ignored by Ember. "I think your arms look a little bare."

Her arms, being the only place untouched by a Grounder weapon, were quickly turned like the rest of her, either cut or stained by dried blood. She hissed when Anya cut her right along the collarbone, whimpering afterwards.

"All you have to do is ask me to stop, and I will." Anya teased, digging the tip of the knife into her stomach, causing a steady flow of blood to come out.

"Never." Ember muttered, her vision going dark for the second time that day. She wasn't sure how much further Anya was torture her after she passed out, and at the moment she didn't care.

She didn't get the chance to pass out though, as she saw the glowing piece of metal coming towards her, and tried to move away from it, but restricted by the chains.

Anya paused, taunting her with the metal, before connecting it to her stomach. She screamed, tears slipping onto her face as she tried to move back.

"Should I go again, or would you like me to stop?"

"Fuck you."

"I'll take that as an again."


Logan wasn't good at sneaking. When Lincoln explained that the plan was to sneak into the Grounder camp and get Ember without them noticing, he almost started laughing. Until he realized that Lincoln was serious.

Into The Woods- Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now