Aaaaanndd We Are All Lost

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The bombs exploded on time. Rubble fell everywhere, and the stone brick wall surrounding the perimeter crumbled down into a pile of dust. 

"Crap," Soren said as he looked around, seeing past the walls, and discovering a huge crowd of people, all wielding weapons and firebombs.

"What is it now?" Aua asked, glancing over her shoulder, back turned against the mob.

"There is a huge uprising standing right in front of us." Soren deadpanned, turning Aua around so that she could see what was in front of them.

"Oh. I see now." Aua whispered, now painfully aware of how many people they were going to fight.

"Haha! This is going to be fun!" Sotaru said joyfully.


"Please, can we just move on, and not ignore the giant crowd in front of us wielding weapons?" Sakura's voice made Soren jump.

"What the hell? When did you get here??"

"Obviously, just now." Sakura rolled her eyes, sighing.

" Okay, so we need a plan, what is it!?" Soren continued, ignoring the comment.

"We can just split up and meet up outside the city," Aua replied.

"Yay! Let's do that. I can blow things up now!!" Sotaru happily exclaimed.

"You always could. " Sakura said exasperatedly.

"Ok, we go in 3, 2, 1!" Soren shouted.

And they took off.

~ In Sakura's perspective~

This is perfect! I can now go to the hall and check out their treasure room! I bet I can get some good gear there. . . . and check up on some things.

~ In Sotaru's perspective~

As he triggers a hand grenade and throws it behind him, Sotaru recalls an early memory.

BOOM!! As a whole town goes up in flames and smoke. The smoke in his face slowly choked him, as he looked over to hear a voice.

"Heh, bombs are fun aren't they, Sotaru?" Said the voice, familiarity stemming from its tone.

"Umm, b-but aren't we killing innocent people? What if we get caught? People will hate us."

"Don't worry, Sotaru. In the end, we'll always be treated miserably anyway." The voice spoke solemnly, but with a carefree tone.

Don't worry, Fuyuki. I'll avenge you.

~Back to Soren~

After running for a long time, Soren looked behind him. No one was there.

Did I lose them?

He crashed headfirst into a tree. "Faa---" He caught himself before he actually cursed. Pfft, I find this part really funny for some reason. XD -Yuu.

Soren wandered around for some time, he grew tired as his paced slowed with every step by nightfall.

Where is everybody? I thought we agreed to meet outside the city?

Giving up the search, Soren settled by a nearby tree and stared at the nearby city, up in flames.

After falling asleep, Soren had taken up the search for his friends. Hearing a loud noise, the birds nearby flew out of the trees, startling Soren.

BOOM!! something went in the distance.

Is that Sotaru? Soren thought to himself.

When he came to a clearing, he instead found Aua, training.

He carefully stood on the side, as to not get killed by the knives flying around.

As Aua flipped through the air, dodging knives that came from portals and blocking them with her sword, Where did she even get a sword? Realization hit him as he pondered the fact that all of his friends were actually quite strong, and didn't really need a lancer like him.

The hell? Am I really that weak? I should've listened to them. . . 

Aua finally noticed him and stopped training. "Oh hey. You know what happened to the others? I went outside the city, but I couldn't find anyone. I think Sotaru and Reland might be in the same place, but I don't know where Sakura went."

Soren shrugged, "I haven't seen anyone else until I heard the loud noises that were coming from you."

Aua sighed, "Well, we should go and scout the perimeter for any signs of anyone else.

"Ok then, " Soren replied. 

Soren turned around to go to the direction Aua was going to head to, when somebody popped up so suddenly, that Soren accidentally punched them in the face.

"OW!!" A girl yelled.

Soren stared blankly and became dumbfounded as he found out who he had punched.


Aua immediately averted her eyes and pretended not to know what happened.

"You need to chill," Sakura muttered. "You're too tight. Learn to loosen up!"

Soren sighed. "It's not like I want to. It's just out of instinct now."

Sakura rolled her eyes. "That is not an excuse. You need to work more on your skills."

Soren took a deep breath. He knew now that he needs to train harder. 

"And where were you Sakura?" Aua asked. Breaking the silence that followed after Sakura told off Soren. 

She smirked, " I raided the guild's treasure room and look at what I got!" she opened her inventory and took out two handguns. 

Aua nodded approvingly. "Those are pretty good."

Soren looked confused. "Umm, but those are just ordinary guns. Right?"

They both stared at him like an idiot which he probably is. 

"These guns are not ordinary, Soren. They can transform, let me demonstrate."

She flipped them in her hands and said out loud. "Sniper rifle, B2-30"

The two guns merged together and turned into a . . . 

Soren can't believe it. They actually turn into a sniper rifle.  

"See, they are definitely not ordinary,"  Sakura told him

"Ok, I take everything back about those guns." Soren rolled his eyes. How immature of her to keep saying that even when she proved it to me already.  

He is definitely jealous about this - Katau12. -_- Wha? This is not how my character works. -Yuu. He does now -Katau12

BOOM!! A loud sound went off in the distance, with screaming this time. 

The trio looked at each. Definitely Sotaru. 

They all ran to the scene. 

Sotaru was just walking away from the city burning in flames, humming as he goes. 

"Oh hi, guys! I was looking for you~" 

And....that concludes this chapter. Thank you for reading Distortion!  - Katsumi UwU
Not a lot of action at the moment. We were just really really really busy with things. We'll try to make the next chapter more interesting~! -Yuu

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