She was running as much she could, her brothers ahead of her. Quickly, she caught Brian, only to see the monster chasing after them. "Dammit." She voiced out loud, hissing under his weight. Jeez, what does he even eat?
She struggled under his weight, watching as her other brothers disappeared. Well I'm screwed. I'm a healer, not an attacker.
Her free hand her own crystal. Brian's crystal had been lost in the struggle, and there was only one person who could possibly escape. She stole a glance behind her, the monster getting closer and closer to them. She found her eyes tearing up. It's my fault. I should've not said anything against our original route. The monster's bad breath hit her like a truck, and she staggered, tripping over her own feet and dropped down with Brian. Quickly, she used her body to shield him, cushioning his fall. Oof.
Looking back once more, she made her decision. It's a healer's job to prioritize others' lives, no matter the cost. She stuffed the crystal into Brian's hands, and broke it with his hand. She watched as the crystal did its work, transporting him immediately. Even when it costs their own life.
Standing up, she activated her weapon, a brief brush against her charm, disguised as an earring.
I didn't expect it to be so soon, but I guess it's my end.
"Can't . . . be. . . ."
Soren opened his eyes and saw Salara was stabbed with her own sword. He saw Reland using his magic to make Salara stab herself. She turned around and spoke, "I . . . thought I was your . . . family. . . ."
Reland's eyes were wide with terror. "I can't trust you anymore. . . ."
"I thought you thought of me as your older sister. . . . I THOUGHT YOU CARED ABOUT ME!"
Reland was trembling for a bit, and regained his posture and shook his head. "No. You never thought of me once as your little brother. Ever since you became the leader of Magicka, you never were the same."
Salara was quiet for a moment. But then she started giggling madly. "Mother and Father left us. ThEy NeVeR cArEd AbOuT uS. I wAs ThE oNlY wHo CaReD aBoUt YoU. I pRoTeCtEd YoU. I wAs ThE oNlY rEaSoN wHy YoU gOt AcCePtEd To ThIs DaMn GuIlD. WiThOuT mE, yOu ArE nOtHiNg."
Reland seemed to cringe at the words she spat at him.
"You're one horrible sister," Aua said getting up, despite being battered. "If you really did care about him, you wouldn't have said those things to him. Power has corrupted you."
Salara scoffed. "I'm the leader of this Guild. Who cares about a weakling? They only drag you down. Actually, now that I think about it. I have no reason to keep Reland alive."
"You're not killing any more people. You've killed enough already. I won't let you." Aua growled.
"Fat chance."
"Says the one who still has her arm impaled into her chest," Sakura said from the shadows, along with Sotaru. "You finally revealed your true colors."
"So what? What does that pRoVe?"
"You destroyed the other Guilds."
Soren's eyes widened. This woman, the one kneeling in front of them, screaming in insane laughter was the reason why everything was in chaos. It was all her fault.
"Wait, wait, wait," Reland said. "Timeout. Are you saying Salara destroyed the other Guilds? How the heck did she do that, I mean she was with our guild the entire time."
ActionLife as a game, where good people are all swords and defense, bullies are the NPC monsters, and school and homework are 10x harder. ------- Life is pretty normal in Viruen. However, someone has hacked into their world layer and now the lower lev...