(Modern era)Assassin x reader [party]

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((1/15/24: This was a Tumblr rot pool, dear goddess time to fix. As a semi redneck woman, I added some personal Flava <3))

I sat in my car for a moment turning down the radio, looking at the Kenways house.  I stood up out of my car and walked to the back seat, pulling out two tins. I'm hoping I made enough...

I looked around it was hot, and the sound of cicadas and birds. The Kenways had a manor in New England so it was nice to finally not have some party at your home, a small apartment downtown, well that was before we all graduated college and moved on with our lives, finally taking time to meet up, the 4th of July seemed like a good enough excuse for everyone. I knocked on the door while balancing my trays in one arm. Only to hear some footsteps and voices. The manor was old, it had been in Connor's family since the country was green. It had been a while since I had seen the group, between a new job that pushed me a few towns away and them constantly on the run and go. Eventually, the door opened, and there was the Blonde and blue-eyed 'pirate' as his tattoos would suggest. 

"(nick name)! Long time no see lass!" He held open the door as I walked in. He closed it and caught up with me. I thought back, I haven't seen these guys since we graduated.

"You've only eaten Ramen? You gonna die of sodium, All of you!" I remember standing in their dorm. I was their neighbor in the apartments. I lived in a single next door,  the anti-social, academic-heavy, thick-rimmed glasses girl. We went to the grocery store in my crappy beater car from high school, most of them were exchange students. That is how we met, I earned a posse of men who were scared off frat boys and one-night stands alone. I remember cooking in the common space, making a smoothie bowl for them, it was like I did witchcraft for them. I remember playing an awful house party mix off of my Soundcloud account in that shit box of a car, God it was the best thing ever. I think everyone's heart broke when the car was totaled in an accident shortly after we graduated. I think the guy who hit me was grateful he T-boned the passenger side... yet the rest was History.

"Hey, who is here?" I could hear Shay call out for the kitchen, I saw a head poke around the corner of the kitchen archway.
"It's our college hen! The Bella who refused to let us only eat instant noodles and awful dining common food!" I saw Ezio around the corner all smiles and then a few other footsteps could be heard. I caught a glimpse of Connor and Altiar outside through the back door carrying wood on the patio. 
"Oh come on you know I wouldn't leave you hanging!" I spoke up I could feel myself getting slightly bashful. Ezio took one of the trays from my arms and carried it down to the kitchen. I followed suit with Edward behind me. I stood there for a moment as I saw Jacob try and pry frozen patties apart with a knife.
"I knew I heard a familiar voice!" Jacob looked over at me before the handle on the knife snapped. I walked over placing the tray of potato salad on the middle island.
"Let me please, let's not break all of Connor's knives..." I gently scooted Jacob out of the way. I grabbed a plastic ziplock bag and sealed it placing it in a bowl in the sink. I stood there for a moment and then I felt two big arms wrap around me. 
"What would we do without you!" Jacob spoke sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
"And you still randomly hug!"

We all sat outside, just grazing, swimming, or hanging out in the sun. I sat at one of the patio chairs with Evie, chatting like we hadn't seen each other in many years, at this point, the headcount was Jacob, Ezio, Connor, Edward, Altiar, Evie, and Arno. They were now fueled with good food and liquor, running in the woods, climbing trees, and tackling each other. Tackling each other is an understatement, into the pool, dirt, off of a tree. Christ...
I didn't notice I was staring at Ezio and saw he gave the boys a cocky 'eat shit' grin, as he noticed me looking at him yet I noticed Edward winding up to interrupt, tackling him into the ground. I shook my head back to paying attention. 

"How's work with Henry?" I turned my attention back to Evie yet I only noticed she wasn't there. Shit nailed it... I held the small mixed drink she made me. Connor was walking over to the patio while ringing out his shirt, only to stop taking a look at his hands and shoes, then at me. He was soaking wet and covered in dirt.
"Would you mind grabbing me a beer from inside? I don't wanna drag dirt in..." He looked more bothered to ask. 
"I gotcha just hang tight." I stood up and walked inside. I grabbed two beers and the small blue tooth speaker from my tote bag on the counter, pairing my phone to it. it's just weird if it's a bunch of men tackling each other with no music... right?  I opened the slider door only to collide with Connor, standing there like a dog waiting to be let in. Both cans hit the floor and cracked, beer foam spraying out. 

"Shit!- Hard crack!" I bent over snagging both off the ground quickly. I tossed one to Connor who seemed to understand the mission. I shoved my thumb into the opening made from the deck throwing my head back with the opening pressed to my lips, cracking the top. I felt like a college undergrad again. I glanced at Connor who joined me shortly after, beer dribbled from my lip onto my neck and tank top. I finished shortly after Connor.
"I don't think I've heard that since that last party! it's been too long!" Arno spoke up, jogging up to the porch. I let out a breathy laugh.
"Well...better not to waste it, I think we all know that!" I wiped my mouth on my forearm tossing my can into the trash.
"Well let's get going!" Edward spoke up as he placed an arm around Arno's neck, and the rest of the assassins followed shortly after. 

The summer sun was beating down on us as the sunset later in the day, I came out to the house in a swimsuit yet kept my shorts on. Until I heard running, multiple people running, I looked around the corner.
"Stronzo inglese! Stai lontano, l'acqua è fredda!" I herd Ezio. Shit... I watched as Ezio, Altiar and Arno rounded the house in a sprint.
"What you scared of water! are you embarrassed from (Y/-"Jacob teased only for Ezio to interrupt his taunt.
"BASTARDO!" Ezio tackled Jacob into the pool. I watched as Altiar turned off the spicket for the hose. Only to stand next to me. 
"They, are crazy..." He spoke to me while watching them fight and splash in the water. 
"I think they haven't changed much yet that's not a bad thing..." The Small speaker on the patio table hummed with a random 4th of July playlist I found, my phone resting next to it.

"You gonna get in cara?" Ezio spoke as he and Jacob got out of the pool. I shook my head no only to look up at Altiar who was nodding his head yes. 
"you fuckin ass not yet -I don't think so!" I watched as Jacob and Ezio started to walk towards me, eyes set on their target. I started walking away with my beer in hand. It started as a slow walk, to a fast walk. To sprint to my car. I do NOT  want to go in right now. Looking over my shoulder they were gaining on me. I opened my car door and slid into the driver's seat locking the door. It was hot, worse than a sauna or anything else thankfully my cold beverage kept me sane. I watched as they circled my car like vultures. Only for Connor to walk up. 
"Not you too!" I yelled, and he just nodded yes with a smile. 
"Just come out (y/n)! You are surrounded!" Connor teased his voice slightly muffled. "The heat will make you leave eventually, or... Jacob go look...." he was setting Jacob to go find my keys.
"Hey! That's cheating! bullshit!" I rolled my eyes and placed the beer in the cup holder crossing my arms. 
They stood outside waiting, like hounds outside of a foxhole. I leaned into the leather seat with the sun turning my car into a tin oven, All of a sudden the car unlocked the door flinging open. With no time to react, I was grabbed by my ankles and dragged out.
"A-AYE! YOU FUCKERS!" Jacob smiled victoriously as he held my keys, smiling from ear to ear.
"Cheer up dear! you were just in a hot car! You're gonna love this!" Jacob cheerfully added as Connor dragged me out, no amount of clawing onto the seat or wheel to change that as he flung me over his shoulder with my hips next to his head like a game animal. They started walking towards the backyard and then near the pool. I looked over and saw Evie at the grill with Altiar, they watched me squirm only for the big bear carrying me to shift his posture and I was airbound. I felt myself hit the cold water, Jacob wasn't wrong it felt great. I felt the water shift and more muffled splashes sounded. As I surfaced I felt myself being lifted from underneath, my balance wobbled yet there was an iron hand grip on my thighs as someone's shoulders dug into the back of them. Pushing my hair out of my face I see Arno is under me.
"What are you doing?!" I spoke, looking down at him gently holding his head.
"Heads up!" Looking up I see Jacob sitting on Ezio's shoulders, as I connect hands with him. I felt as they pushed and twisted to knock me off of Arno's shoulders who, poor man, was getting the hell squeezed out of my thighs.  Eventually, I watched as Edward sat on Connor's shoulders, charging slowly behind Jacob and Ezio, only for Edward to spring from Connor's shoulders. He swung and dragged them down with a big splash. I shielded my face only for Arno to all of a sudden get dragged under, me going under with him. He let go of my legs as we were underwater. I opened my eyes and very blurrily I saw Ezio swimming away.

We got out and sat on the edge of the pool, I took off my shorts as they were only covering my bottoms. 
"You got new ink!" Edward spoke up, looking at the hip tattoo I had.
"Yes, Indeed now that I finally got some income." I looked at it, It was some natural fauna from my home state, just an overall wilderness theme. The other boys stole a glance yet I dove back in the water. It was too warm for this, plus I needed to hide my slight bashfulness. I floated up to the top just floating on my back.

I missed my mischievous assassins...

((bada-bing Bada-boom, nailed it way less of a cesspool in my opinion, if you remember it from before... no you don't!))

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