Shay x wife! Reader

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(( This is a request, I can't type a smut right now and I feel so bad delaying it so please enjoy))

((Reader POV))

I sat there over the wash basin scrubbing at the ridiculous stains in shays uniform.

"Shay! What the hell do you get on your clothing!?"
I yelled out and he walked in to see a red bucket and my hands soaked in it.

"My dearest you know my line of work, I have to kill people in order to-"
I quickly shut him up with a peck on the lips

"Okay oKAY THATS enough out of you!" He smiled in a goofy fashion and rested his hands on my hips.
I simply smiled and kissed him.

((Shay pov))

I started to kiss her back untill I felt a cold wet pair of underwear. Change that, MY COLD WET UNDERWEAR, HIT ME IN THE FACE.

She looked up and smiled at me tried to run off. I grabbed her waist and looked at her.

"Oh nO! I THINK IM GONNA FALLLLLLLL!" I yelled out and leaned my body on (y/n)

"S-SHAY NO!" She struggled to keep me up yet I just held my weight on her.


"ShAY I CaNT HOld YOU!" Oh and she was right we both knocked over and I landed in her wash bucket breaking it easily.

((Reader pov))

I couldn't hold Shay and my body gave out underneath me, he fell on the wash bucket breaking it easily.

"S-Shay! Are you okay?" I quickly scampered over and he's on his back and he looks up at me and starts laughing uncontrollably.

"PFFT LOOK AT ME I JUST MADE MORE FECKING LAUNDRY!" He laughed harder as I helped him up.

The old wood floors of his ship quickly soaked up the water yet left a nasty stain.

"I'm sorry I couldn't hold you." I looked up at him and he looked down at me.

"Oh don't worry lassie your fine, not your fault it's mine. Not to mention......"

He quickly hugged me OH MY GOD,

"SHAAYAYAYSHHAHHHHH" I screeched loudly as I felt the water roll of his garments on to mine.

"Ha! We're even now!" He kissed my fore head and l kissed his lips.

"Your doing laundry next time!"

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