Jacob frye x reader ((but its better if you do))

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"MEET ME AT THE FOURTH BLOCK!" She shouted at me and pushed me away yet I did as told. Evie pulled around with the car and took off with me to the fourth block. I didn't realize I zoned out until Evie harshly nudged my shoulder.

"Well?" She spoke up

"I-im shocked I wasn't told, and I was starting to think I liked men, not going to lie." I spoke the last part under my breath. We pulled up to fourth block and saw JM running at the car, long hair and every thing.

I felt it all slowdown like a silent movie,

A loud gun shot erupted me from my hearing and JM hit the floor body first. Their matted hair falling over her pain filled face, their battered and bloodied body sliding on the hot summer nights pavement.

"JM!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled my anger drove me insane, I pulled out my tommy and opened fired. Police men ran into my line of fire only to hit the floor left and right. My knuckles turned white from my tough grip, my teeth clenched cause I realized I let my feelings get in the way Yet it will be all worth it. My arms shook the the gums kick back only then to shake the rest of my body.

I yelled as ran out of bullets throwing my gun down on the pavement, smoke poured out of the hot barrel as JM grabbed my pant leg and held on.

"J-Ja....cob, h help" they tried to lift them selves up only to hit the ground, they were shot in the side right above the liver. I dropped to my knees and scooped them in my arms.

"J-Johnny! H-hey bud, lad, hun, I need to hold on for me please..." I spoke to them softly as I slowly got up and walked to the car quickly. Evie opened the back door on both sides, she took her jacket and used it cover her mangled body.

"Jacob! Sit back her and make sure she stays awake!" She ordered and I followed. I laid JM's Head in my lap while sitting with one leg folded on the seat and one down on the floor of the car, I brushed there hair out of there face, they looked miserable and sore.

"Hey, hey, JM stay awake for me lass..." I held there hand up in mine as evie gassed it and drove quickly to the automotive shop.


Evie pulled into the garage fast, I picked her up as soon as the car Parked and brought her out.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU TWINS DO?!" Henry walked in shouting and evie started to explain what happened (and her outfit). I brought JM upstairs and laid them down on the small medical cot we had. 
I started to patch her up ever so carefully, the amount of pain she is in right now must hurt her and her image. She sat up and grabbed my hand gently before I could stitch the big bullet wound in her side.

"Talk to me lovely, we gotta get this done"
"I-I'm Sorry" she spoke up in a hissed tone and squeezed my hand.

"I should have told you and ev-evie, I didn't want to be d-dainty. I w-wanted to be strong, a man, n-not wea-wEAK!" She yelled a little at the end and held my hand really tightly. She was breathing heavily as a few tears cascaded down her beautiful beaten up face.

"I-it's okay love." I let go of her hand gently and I started the stitches.

"Keep talking to me okay?" She nodded and exhaled a shaker breath. I put the needle in her skin and let it slid through roughly due to her skins in health condition.

"J-Jacob, what do you think o-of me?" She asked me and I glanced at her as I closed her bullet wound.

"I think your a beautiful creature that's had a tuff run." I held a hand to her face and she leaned into it.
I picked her up and carried her to my room in the auto shop. I held her in my arms.

"JM? What's is your real name?"
"JM is my name, my parents wanted a son, not a daughter so they gave me the name still."

"Oh come on, what's a name you would love? Anyone in the world?"

"(Y/n), I always admired that name" she smiled at me and I smiled at her.

"Well, (y/n) say you and me hook up in the privates and we keep it between us until this all dies down?"
She nodded and hugged me tightly.

"I've waited so long to hear that.." she looked up and kissed me, her lips were so soft yet chapped from hard work at the same time.

She fell asleep in my arms shortly after. I ran my fingers through her hair as we drifted further to sleep.


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