Jacob x quirked! reader

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((Hello! Sorry it's been forever! I just moved In a on Saturday! So I'm gonna write about my favorite British boy!))

((Also Reader is pulled to 1868 and has been living with Jacob while she's in collage))


((JACOB POV))————<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

I listened to the music inside of a pub while I waited for (y/n) to be done with her classes. It's was a boring day, rain tapped the roof constantly as I waited for (Y/N) to get home. I sat in my robes rather warmly untill I herd a loud boom from the dark and scary sky.

Thunder? Well I'll be damned, I thought it was gonna hold off.

Then all the sudden I saw poor (y/n) running to the f door and I ran to meet her out side. The rain pattered on my robes as I met up with her.

"Hey! Love are you oka-" She held her school bag above her head as she tumbled into me not looking up.

"Woah woah hey..." I lifted her face up yet Her face was red steamy and looked teary eyed, her hair that was poking out of my old hat was matted and clothing was covered in...egg? Along with other Foods??

She ripped her face away from me and marched inside the carriage, away from the rain. The back of her shirt held a note reading. Dunce me! Scribbled in black ink on the price on parchment.

I drove the carriage quickly to the train and  after we arrived on board I striped myself of my outer layer of robes. I looked around only to find her in the bathroom washing her face. She was in one of my spare shirts, chaps and boots considering she was in school undercover. I walked up to her and took the paper off her back making her jump and shoot her head out of her hands.

"O-oh hi! Jacob, how was your day?" She looked at me, I should be asking her that...

((READER POV))————<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

I felt a hand pull something off my back. Here we go...

"O-oh hi! Jacob, how was your day?" He looked at me, oh he had a questioning face.

"I should be asking that to you hun... what the hell happened? Why are you covered in egg, flour, and other stuff for a god damn cake?" I shuddered my eyes stung as the tears clouded my vision. Lights in the cart started to flicker violently untill one bulb exploded. My hands had black soot on appear on them as ran off the train he can't see me break I won't let him see the true me.

Cover me
The street pounded with rain as I herd Jacob call after me. My foot prints burned into the pavement while the rain sizzled on my skin.

I herd foot steps behind me I touched my hand to the cobble floor letting a old beat up hat that belonged to Jacob fall off my head letting my (h/l) (h/c) hair fall down in a wet soaked manner, a the puddle went up in smoke violently like a screen for me to use and run away covering my tracks.

((JACOB POV))————<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

A big plume of white vapor spontaneously flew up in front of my face while I tried to chase after, I ran though it letting the steam burn my face.

I can't believe how much I hate
Pressures of a new place roll my way
Jumpsuit, jumpsuit, cover me
Jumpsuit, jumpsuit, cover me
I crumble underneath the weight
Pressures of a new place roll my way
Jumpsuit, jumpsuit, cover me
Jumpsuit, jumpsuit, cover me

I saw burnt foot marks into the ground
, and a hat of mine laying in the dirty alley.

What the hell is going on with you (y/n) what are you hiding?!

((READER POV))————<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Spirits in my room, friend or foe?
Felt it in my youth, feel it when I'm old
Jumpsuit, jumpsuit (cover me)
Dusting off my, jumpsuit, cover me

"OI! Aren't you with that one frye? Do we have to tech you a lesson again?!"  a crew of blighters that attended my collage looked me up and down.

"My my! A wench too!" Another spoke up and pushed my shoulder back and I snapped.

"What are you gonna do! Cry! Go ahead it won't help you like last time you rook!" He lifted his blade up to hit me yet I grabbed it.

I can't believe how much I hate
Pressures of a new place roll my way

My hands lit up as my eyes opened wide to There unsettling undead hue as the men stepped back, the blighter's blade shocked him violently.

Jumpsuit, jumpsuit, cover me
Jumpsuit, jumpsuit, cover me

He buzzed untill he hit the ground in a crisped manner, ashes. I killed him using my gift! My freakish gift!

I broke down in the alley way as the other men surrounded me.
I'm not normal! I will never be normal! I will never be in human contact again!

((JACOB POV))————<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

I'll be right there
But you'll have to grab my throat and lift me in the air
If you need anyone,
A white electric shock burnt the man to ashes as she ripped his blade to the ground. I watched her collapse from her actions and hide her face in her hands.

She screamed loudly as what seemed to be electrical currents flow around her violently shoving the blighters back and frying a few. She gently floated upwards and stayed there ever so still.

I'll stop my plans
But you'll have to tie me down and then break both my hands
If you need anyone,

Her little bubble faded as every one was either knocked out or crisped. She looked up and to black charcoal hand prints covered where her hands were.

Tears were spilling from her eyes as she was put back down. Her pupils returned to their beautiful
(e/c) color yet they were sad as she held her self.

I'll be right there
But you'll have to grab my throat and lift me in the air
(if you need anyone)
I ran over to her and cradled her in my arms tightly, she tried to push me off before she held onto me, he cried softly on my shoulder whispering sorry's and how she didn't want to be alone.

If you need anyone (if you need anyone)
If you need anyone (if you need anyone)
((READER POV))————<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

I herd foot steps and as he looked at me he looked scared, he was sprinting untill he slid and grabbed me held me close, I tried to push him of yet to no advantage I hugged him back.

"Please Never do that again, and we need to talk about how to get this under control." He spoke and I nodded at him untill he kissed me on the lips.

I felt a small literal spark prick us both on the lips. He smiled and looked at me.

"Doll when your with me you will never be alone., cause your mine."

If you need anyone (If you need anyone)


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