Time warp (a lot of assassins x reader)PT.1

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(( ahhhhhhhhhh I love the song oki? Oki! Also this is if ezio, Shay, Connor and Arno were to come from the past and the reader to come from the future! Oki! Okay also they meet in 1868 London (Frye era!) please enjoy my spastic idea!))

((Ezio POV ))

Groaning as I lifted up my head I realized The streets were damp and it wasn't the dry streets of Italy. Looking up I saw smoke filled air and a cloudy sky. While getting up and held my head with it's bursting head ache. Walking along seeing a man in blue on the floor in robes like me yet in a new fashion, bending down to wake him up, I found a woman in strange clothing running, yet not knowing what to think, I wanted help her, so I took off. While doing so the man in blue followed behind me.

I woke up with a killer headache and as my vision focused I saw these two men in red poking me.

"Oi? Is she croaked over?" One of them kept moving my head in my (F/C) hoodie and lookin at my facial features as I could assume.

"AYE! She's waking u-" yet before he could finished I panicked and punched him in the jaw harshly. What he was doing I had no clue yet now I was on the run from these bastards in red yet I knew for one this was not my home at all.
~~~~~~~~time skippp~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I ran into a corner with the red men on my back, I was shot in the shoulder as I was scrambling to get away
"Up here! Let me help you!" A man in a hoodie it seemed wanted to help me, what could be the harm! I started to Climb up the very uneven brick walls

'Almost there...'
I held out my hand to him and are finger tips touched,
Until a gun shot ran right by my only okay hand making me loose my only grip, I felt the world slow down around me, my (H/C) fluttered around my face, my adrenaline slow, and the man seemed to jump after me. I watched the man trying to help me up fade as I closed my eyes waiting for the cold damp ground to meet my back.

Yet it didn't, I opened my eyes to find my self in the arms of a man dressed in blue head to toe, his features were not to bad with the confusion on his face
" mademoiselle? Are you okay?"

" mademoiselle? Are you okay?" I looked down at the girl who fell from the sky. Her (E/C) eyes were entrancing. I have to admit I was hypnotized by her features yet I was snapped out of it when All i herd was..

"L-LEFT HOOK!" Only to get a punch to the side of my jaw sending me down to the ground hard, I was forced to put her down to hold my own jaw.

"baiseur de la mère....." I groaned and I looked around, only then did I notice she was scared, her eyes said it so.
I watched her run off and I was scared what she would do, so I followed until I collided with blur of brown and black and we both toppled down.


I saw the girl my rooks we're talking about and I was getting on her heals when I saw her run by in the alley. I took a sharp turn only to hit a wave of blue and white.

"BLOODY FUCKEN HELL!" I yelled and got up to catch up until I was dragged down and held down by the throat. I looked up to see who it was, I looked past the blade in my face, it was hard not to know the face of a Dorian in the creed,
Yet that's not possible he died long ago.

"A...Arno Dorian?" The man hesitated and retracted his blade.

"Are you the one scaring la fille?!" He yelled in a harsh tone as he dragged me up by my collar.

"No! Bloody no! I'm trying to help her! She's running from Templar mongrels" I growled out
His grip loosened and I smacked his away hand quickly.
"Well let's go get her then and make sure she dose not run into another one of us, considering you are supposed to be dead as of many years ago."

"Well I saw another hooded fellow of ours running around-"
We both herd a scream in the distance, a woman's scream.
We looked at each other with worry, who could it be?

((Ezio POV))

I strayed off the path from the blue on only to watch his methods
He nearly killed a man named Jacob and as of Bella? She disappeared out of sight.
I got one trace of her a loud scream and I knew I shouldn't have taken my eyes of her.

I ran and tried to trace the sound she made.


As I ran from the man in blue I saw him run into another man. I felt proud of my self considering how I've been handling the situation. I took my hood down and my (H/L) (H/C) flow in the wind as I continued to run down the alley ways until I found my self pinned against the wall by the name of my neck, one of the red people yet he wore leather and he looked to be hooded.

"We're are they? The ones in hoods I know you saw them, Tell me or you will be hurt...." he had a thick ((THICC)) Irish or Welsh accent.

"I need a answer mam-" I cut him off by slipping from under his grip, I ripped up my leg and aimed for his head, he grabbed my foot and held it tight.

"Just give me the answers I....need!" He flicked his wrist back. I felt something rip right through the fabric of my chucks ((high top converse, idk seems like the right shoe for now)) and into my ankle making a crack.

I screamed, watching blood pour from the wound he gave me, the blade went in one side and out the other untill he ripped down cutting my ankles tendon and god I didn't know how loud I was. He dropped my leg and put a hand over my mouth.

"Quite down lass your making this worse!"

I bit down on his hand, I felt blood Seethe in between my lips and teeth, he threw me into a cart holding coal, got do I wish it were hay.

((Shay POV))( Yeah that's right I'm evil)

I threw her into the cart and I held my hand, it had a deep bite mark into it.

Yes I did feel bad for what I did yeti needed answers.

I walked over to the cart and put my foot onto her arm forcing pressure, she groaned in response and tried using her other hand to get me off, pathetic really. She was struggling to get up so I hit her hard, harder than I wanted.

"I needed answers and you didn't provide...what your last words?" I looked at her only to get a shitty respond


"Well that's disappointing lass" I flicked out my blade and cut half of my blade into her side. Not enough to kill her yet to scare her.

She gasped out for air and I watched her suffer, small tears escaped her eyes.

I felt a sudden force on my chest throwing me to the ground, holding me harshly down to the ground. Opening my eyes a man with a white hood held me down.

"LEAVE LA RAGAZZA ALONE!" He yelled at me and his voice was very thick, Italian, yet one thing that wasn't mistaken was the scar on his lip, it was Ezio.

((Whoooooooo oky I need to write part two yet enjoy part one for now!💖💖))

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