CHAPTER 13 (morning after)

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Rye's POV

my eyes open and I'm not in my bed, again.

I'm lying on my back with andy curled up to my side with his head to my chest. 

at some point last night we thought it would be a good idea to make a huge bed thingy on the floor with matrasses, duvets, pillows and anything comfy we could find.

I look around, I'm the only one awake.  

everyone's cuddled up together on the floor.

I move myself to face andy more and pull him in closer intertwining our legs and wrapping my arms round him, he moves and cuddles closer into me but remains asleep. 

everything feels so natural with him; like he just fits, perfectly. 

I watch his face. his mouth parted slightly and I feel him breathing lightly. he's so precious I get an overwhelming urge to protect him no matter what, I want him, all of him. lust, love, tears, laughs, fights, moments like this one where we can just, be. It feels like fate or something

I turn to look for Cody. 

she's in-between Mike and Harvey snuggled up with them two. 

any other boyfriend would get jealous. she's sleeping with two other guys. attractive guys!

but for some reason, I don't really care. it sounds awful because I know I should, but I just don't. I care about andy.

I think I'm gonna break up with her today or something like that, at least let her know how I'm feeling. she deserves to know. I feel weird and I don't really want to do it so soon after her finding out about me and Andy's past last night, but I don't think I can let her go back to uni with this hanging over me.

she looks happy and she's not in my arms. I mean she's sleeping so I guess I can't judge her level of happiness, but she looks right not with me.

I continue to look round the room. I can't help but laugh when I see brook and jack. 

jack has his arms around brook and they're spooning but brook has taken jacks arm to his face and has the back of his hand squished up against his cheek pushing it upwards making him look like he's smiling, maybe he's just happy. but either way, it's funny to see brook so content and comfy because we all know how much brook loves a good cuddle.

andy wakes at my movement when I laugh. 

he looks up at me, our faces are so close. I stare into his eyes and he stares at mine, neither of us looks away for ages.

I kiss his forehead gently and both his cheeks and lightly on his lips. andy pulls away slightly looking over at Cody and then back to me. 

I know what he's saying and he's right. this isn't fair on her at all. 

"imma talk to her today" I whisper softly. 

andy nods and snuggles into the crook of my neck. I run my fingers through his hair thinking about what I'm gonna say. 


Cody's POV

I wake as the sun shine's through the blinds onto me. it takes me a minute to remember where I am. 

I open my eyes and I realise I'm laying on Mikey's upper arm with my face against his chest. I feel the warmth of his body and the slight movement of his breathing. I feel safe, comfortable.

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