Disclaimer; I do not mean any offense to anyone of any religion by the comments I make. They're purely for fun, and I don't mean any harm by them
Bold Text Commenter, I understand the need to put disclaimers on things, (I should probably even out disclaimers on some of my writings.) but disclaimers on every chapter feels very unnecessary. *Ding!*
Author's Note: Hello, friends! I'm very sorry if this chapter is a bit shorter than usual; because just as soon as one sick little one gets better; wouldn't you know it; another one starts running a fever. Whew! A mommy's life sure is exhausting.
I don't believe this author's "little one" is at all sick because I don't believe she has kids. It's okay to not update a fanfic in ages, but don't make up a sick kid to lie about it. That's just... sick. *Ding!*
I wasn't planning on posting another chapter until things had settled down; but the hubby says the work of the Lord doesn't wait for the whims of men. So you can all thank Ephesians 5:22-24 for the speedy update =) Ooh, and on that note-some of you lovely readers have requested me to write down the Bible verses after each chapter. Well, far be it from me to not spread the Word of the Lord!
Another question I have gotten-in the "original books", Harry Potter and friends frequently question authority; and how do I feel about this? Well, that is quite a toughie you've asked me! I talked to the hubby about it; and we agreed that usually, it is good to obey authority; but when authority is acting contrary to the Lord; you should talk to that authority about it! Acts 5:29! You just might see authority figures making bad decisions in this chapter-nobody is perfect except the Lord; no, not even Dumbledore, no matter what "the original books" told you-
But there's one problem with that: the original books never said Dumbledore was perfect. *Ding!*
and how Harry Potter handles this will be a big question in the story. Hint: it will be very different than the "original books!"
And finally-I got a "PM" from a lovely friend who was a bit confused; so I'll just clear this up now: I do not own the "original books"; and those belong to JKR!
In case anyone got this far and thought the Harry Potter books really were her intellectual property, or that she was officially licensed to write this garbage. *Ding!*
So, without further ado-
As the chapters get shorter, the author's notes get longer. Could these two occurrences be related? *Ding!*
Harry Potter woke up drowsily in a comfy, fluffy mattress. It was only now that he had the energy to observe his surroundings. The room was small but also everything a little boy needed; there was a big, warm fire place in the grey, stone wall across from him; a shelf of intelligent, age-appropriate books-the Holy Bible was in the center of the shelf, of course!
Fireplace is one word, not two. *Ding!*
The first semicolon in this sentence was fine, but you could have stopped there. The rest of this sentence's punctuation is a grammatical car crash. *Ding!*
"Hello, friend! My name is Harry Potter; and I take it that we are roommates. What's your name?"
Everything Wrong With: Hogwarts School of Prayer and Miracles
AléatoireI've had several requests to sin this monstrosity of a book. Considered by many to be the polar opposite of legendary trollfic My Immortal, only this one is (supposedly) written by a Christian mother in an attempt to sanitize the Potterverse for her...