Chapter 9: I don't think your mom likes me

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It's almost time for school again. Ever since that day at the waterfall Bobbi and I are inseparable. That same night I asked her to be my girlfriend and she agreed. Our friends teased us for a while, but they were also happy for us.

I'm a senior and Bobbi is a sophomore, but that doesn't bother us. I came to realize that because of her home schooling she is even more advanced in some fields than I am, but lacks knowledge in others. I promised to help her.

After we returned from our six week camping trip it was the beginning of August. I took Bobbi on several dates, most were to the movies or roller-skating. We also went hiking a few times and I learned many things from her, like how to find my way back in case I get lost or how to figure out if it'll rain or not. In return, I taught her all I knew about her teachers and what to expect from certain classes. Her mom tried to convince her to join the cheerleaders but Bobbi protested. I've told her I wouldn't mind watching her perform during our soccer games and she just laughed. She said even though she would love to spend time with me even during training she would rather join the team and run around like a loony, chasing a ball only to kick it away. She joked she could be our water girl instead. At that I corrected her telling her that she is only my girl. She smiled and we kissed. Boy, do I like kissing her. For someone who hasn't had a boyfriend before she sure knows how to make me weak in my knees. We haven't done more than kissing and touched each other lightly. If we wouldn't have gone swimming I wouldn't even know how she looked like without clothes on. I mean, with just a bathing suit on. But I'm in no rush. I told her everything about my ex-girlfriends and the few times I had sex. It was more physical than anything and even though I don't regret it completely I wish I would have waited for someone special. For her.

Bobbi's dad decided to buy her a car. That's why I'm helping her study for the test and give her a few driving lessons. I allowed her to practice with my truck. At first I was nervous. I never let anyone touch my truck, not even Justin, but she is very careful and listens to everything I tell her. She is actually good at it.

"Did you decide what kind of car you want?" I ask her as she drives carefully down our street. It's so cool that we all live close to each other. We are all in the same neighborhood which makes hanging out a lot easier.

"Yeah," she says vaguely, but doesn't elaborate.

"And?" I ask curiously.

"A tank," she says and I burst out laughing.

"Come on, babe."

"I don't know yet. I wanted to get my license first and then decide," she says. "I also might have thought of begging you to let me drive your truck. I kinda like it and this baby likes me too," she says smiling.

"Nope. This is my baby," I say teasingly.

"I thought I was your baby," she says pouting, although I know she's messing with me.

"You are, babe," I say and lean toward her and press a soft kiss to her cheek.

"I don't know if I want a car. I mean, Alex has a car and even if he wouldn't drive me to school you could or Adele or anyone."

"What if no one is available?" I ask.

"Sam, I can trek through unknown terrain for days. Don't you think I could get to school even without a car? Besides, I can always call in sick," she says smirking.

"Nice try, baby. If it ever happens that no one can drive you I'll come and pick you up."

"Aw, aren't you the sweetest," she says and turns to kiss me, paying no attention to the road.

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