Chapter 27: The superhero argument

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It's almost Halloween. Bobbi and I are better than ever. We managed to sneak around a few times for some one on one time, but it gets more and more difficult to leave after I make love to her. With each time I crave her more than before and I feel myself getting more and more anxious each time I get near her. I want to touch her, to hold her, to kiss her, to be with her. All the fucking time. If I was an addict before, now I must be an incurable zombie. Maybe I should dress up as one for the Halloween party at Justin's. Bobbi purposefully kept it a secret what she plans on wearing; said it is a surprise. I told her if she plans on wearing anything sexy I would kidnap her like the Hunchback did with Esmeralda and lock her away in a tall tower where no one will ever find her. She immediately said yes to that idea saying that she would willingly hide from the rest of the world with me. Am I lucky or what?

To everyone's surprise, but not so much mine, Bobbi became friends with Marisol. The latter still hasn't returned to school, but Bobbi tells us she is doing better. Therapy works and it seems the new found friendship between my girlfriend and her ex-nemesis helps Marisol a great deal. Who would've thought?

"Dude, are you even listening?" Justin asks and I look at him.


"You totally zoned out. What the heck is going on with you? Keep thinking of your hot girlfriend?" he asks teasingly.

"Shut up," I say pushing him lightly. We are currently in class. Mr. Miller, our geography teacher talks about, well, I have no clue; I haven't really paid attention.

"Admit it, Sam. You think of her," he says a bit more serious.

"Of course I am. I'm so lucky to have her."

"Don't make it sound like she isn't lucky to have you," Liz chimes in from in front of me. "I've never seen Bee so happy and carefree. Matt says she's always like that when she's climbing and now you brought the mountain to her," she says smiling. I remember something that I heard the first time I met Bobbi. You don't conquer the mountain, but yourself. I asked her about it and she explained that even though you climb a mountain it is you who you conquer in the end.

"Still. Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve her," I say sighing.

"Bull shit, Sam. You two are made for each other. It wouldn't surprise me if we would meet in ten years for our high school reunion and you show us cute pictures of your adorable babies," Liz says grinning widely. I blush at what she said and try to find a way out of this conversation. "Oh, suck it up, Taylor. We all know you guys are it for each other. The way you look at her, the way she talks about you, those fucking heart eyes you both have when you see each other. It's almost sickening, if I weren't so happy for you both."

"Thanks, Liz, but can we please change the subject. We are still in high school and our relationship is still new," I say.

"Yeah, woman, give the man some time to breathe before he settles down and has a bunch of little babies," Justin teases.

"You guys suck," I say, but I can't be mad at them. They both mean well and they both care for me and Bobbi.

When the teacher finally scolds us for talking during class they both stop talking and I can resume paying attention. Or at least I try.

Lunch break is my favorite part of the day. My friends and I sit at our regular table waiting for the sophomores to come join us. I know that Bobbi had a rough day today, an Algebra test and a book report. I keep glancing toward the entrance to see if my girl comes in, but so far nothing. As a matter of fact none of the sophomores are here. I wonder if something happened. I have this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach, like something bad happened or is about to happen. I'm not superstitious or anything, but I've been having this feeling for a while now. I worry that it has something to do with Bobbi. However, she said she wouldn't go to Argentina to climb that mountain. Just as I'm about to get up and head out looking for her they come in talking loudly, arguing.

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