Chapter 20: Homecoming

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I had to promise Adele that I would let her do my hair, while Liz would do my make-up. They said I should just shower and put on my dress and they would come over in time to help me get ready. I decide to wear the lace push-up bra and the thong I bought in the lingerie store, even though I doubt Sam will see them. The girls said they would be here no later than five p.m. so by four I went into the shower, cleaned myself up, went downstairs, ate a light supper and went back upstairs to put on my underwear and dress.

I thought long about what kind of dress to wear. I never went to a formal before, but when I asked mom she said I should pick a dress that looks both pretty, but also makes me feel comfortable in my own skin. I decided on a simple strapless, black satin knee-length cocktail dress. The upper part is tightly fixed around my body, similar to a corset while the lower part flows down from my hips. It's a sweet design and not too extravagant. It's just right. I feel beautiful and sexy, as well as comfortable in it.

Soon the doorbell rings and I hurry downstairs to let the girls in. To my surprise all of them came, not just Adele and Liz.

"Hey, girls. I didn't expect all of you," I say sincerely.

"Well, we couldn't just wait until you decided to show up with your Prince Charming before getting a glimpse of you," Abigail says.

"Oh my God, Bobbi. You look gorgeous in that dress," Adele says and makes me spin so that she can get a better look.

"Did your mom design it?" Abigail asks.

"No. I bought it. Mom's designs are a bit too extravagant for me," I say with a nervous chuckle. I like my mom's designs, they are just not for me.

"Nevertheless, you look super cute and adorable. Sam will love you in this," Liz chimes in.

The girls practically push me up into my room and start working their magic as Liz puts it. I asked them to keep it simple. Liz frowned for a bit, but then decided to just enhance my natural beauty with some mascara and a pink blush and a rose colored lipstick. I look myself up in the mirror and barely recognize myself. She somehow made my eyes look greener than they actually are and the pink blush just flatters me. I was worried that she would go overboard with the make-up, but she did a great job.

"Thank you, Liz," I tell her honestly and give her a little hug.

"Okay. My turn," Adele announces. She dries my hair and applies some fixing foam before she actually starts working. She didn't allow me to look in the mirror, said it was a surprise. I hate surprises, but I'm sure she will respect my wish and keep it simple. I let her work as I idly chat with the girls.

"So, you and Sam going away tomorrow," Chloe says with a grin. I decided to tell them that we have plans over the weekend and might leave the dance early.

"Yeah. There's this cabin I know and I promised Sam a while back that we would go on a longer hike than before."

"Just a hike?" Liz asks wiggling her eyebrows and I feel myself blush.

"Oh my God. You guys are going to do it," Abigail says.

"Abi, not so loud!" I shush her. The girls start talking and giggling and I feel more and more uncomfortable. "I didn't say that, but it's nice to be able to just hang out with him without being interrupted," I say and suddenly the hem of my dress is very interesting.

"Oh, come on, Bobbi. There's no need to be ashamed," Liz says crouching down before me and giving me a reassuring smile.

"So, you guys done the dance with no pants?" Chloe asks.

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