Chapter 2

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Col. Rick Flag bursts through the door. His senses on high alert. He holds his gun in front of him in a defensive position.

Just a few hours ago there has been a call about a big disruption and abnormal activity in a house. There seemed to have found two girls, black and red smoke oozing out of them in waves. 

It hadn't taken him a second moment to know that this wasn't something normal that they were dealing with. 

And if he'd had any doubts, Amanda Waller's phone call a few minutes after had confirmed everything. 

Metahumans. Sisters. Witches. Extreme caution.

That was what Waller had said before she'd sent Rick on his way. 

He steps into the house, his soldiers trailing behind him as he looks around. His eyes catch a stairway, trailing up at the top floor. If they are somewhere, they might be there. He doesn't give it a second thought as he runs up the stairs. 

At the top of the stairs lay 4 guards. All of them dead and on the floor. Each of them has a strange mark on their faces and their necks. 

Rick looks around at the hallway, confusion lining his face. The hall leads to two rooms with open doors, one of them, he assumes, is a bathroom, because he can see the tiles lining the floor. 

The other one closer to him seems to be a bedroom. He looks behind him at the soldiers, motioning for them to take the door that leads to the bathroom. 

The guards would go and find June in the tub.

Rick takes the other room himself. He walks with caution, gun held up in front of him. He didn't know what type of monsters they were dealing with, but if Amanda had called then they were important.

His combat boots tap against the wooden floors, the only indication that there's someone there as he pushes the door open all the way. 

When he sees what's in front of him, his hard gaze softens into one of shock and sadness.

Ryland sits there, her raven black hair matted to her face. She sits in the center of the room, knees up against her chin, arms holding them in place. A puddle of black water surrounds her.

The window behind her lets in a little light, just enough for Rick to see everything around them.

Her white dress is soaked in blood.

Rick lets his gun down slowly as realization crosses his face.

On the edges of the room and around Ryland there are strange figures. Pentagons, stars, strange writings. All drawn in black over the hardwood floor.

The body of a now-dead guard lays beside the door. 

The rest of the soldiers trail into the room after Rick, guns splayed in front of them as they surround her in a semi-circle.

But Rick just stares at the girl. He couldn't not stare. She looked so frail and vulnerable, it was clear she hadn't meant any harm. Her eyes were sunken in and she looked like she hadn't been out in the sun for weeks.

The girl was looking at the void, in her own world.

Her body shook with every breath she took, visibly trembling and cold.

It takes a moment for her to realize what is happening.

His eyes finally meet hers.

He slowly lowers his gun, not looking away from her as he motions to the soldiers not to fire. 

Finally, she breaks from her trance and looks at Rick, who still stands at the entrance of the room.

Her chin trembled and her eyes start to water with tears.

"Please" She whispers in a hoarse voice "Help me"

Rick doesn't take another look at her before he springs towards her.    

I assigned him to watch Dr. Moone, and just as I hoped, it got personal

Ryland and Rick sit on the couch. They had been talking for hours without end. The both of them had a lot more in common than they had realized. 

The first few weeks had been purely professional. Rick was hesitant. He didn't trust the girl, but he knew he had to watch her. The girl was confined to her small apartment, with nothing more than a TV and herself to keep her company. 

He'd felt sorry for her, so he'd brought her a card game to play when she got bored. He had no intention of playing with her–until she asked him too. 

The first few games had been silent, with both of them trying to beat the other in the game. Rick wasn't one for sharing and conversing, and Ryland had been having a tough few weeks. She didn't have the energy for anything. 

And then suddenly Ryland had beaten Rick at the game, and her laugh had made Rick smile.

They had started a conversation, and they never really stopped. 

Rick found himself looking forward to talking with her– taking care of her. He liked watching Ryland smile and he liked how she had stories from all her journies around the world.  

They sat in front of the TV, joking about something. They never seemed to run out of conversation.

She laughs and lowers her head, trying to hide the blush creeping up her cheeks. 

Then she looks up and takes a swig of her beer, shaking her head and drinking the rest of it before putting it down. 

She stops laughing, staring at Rick in the eyes. Everything around them seemed to stop, and for a moment it was just him and her. 

Ryland's heart somersaulted. 

She watches Rick silently. A soft smile spreads over her face and she puts her beer down on the floor slowly, making sure not to break eye contact. 

She touches his arm ever so slightly, leaning into him. 

Rick licks his lips. He had liked her for a long time, but because he didn't know how she felt he'd been nervous to make a move. 

That didn't matter now. 

"So, are you gonna kiss me or will I have to?" She whispers as she leans forward. 

Rick licks his lips, offering a gentle smile as he leans forward. When they kiss it's like Ryland has had a breath of fresh air. 

It's like she's free. There's no Keeper, no witches or possessions. It's just her and Rick. 

Their kiss slowly becomes something deeper, and then, Ryland finally pulls away. 

She cups his face and laughs. Then she kisses him again. 

I got the witch's heart, and Dr.Moone has his. Now he'll follow my orders as holy written. 

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