Chapter 13

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Sooo this is Rylands outfit!!

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Sooo this is Rylands outfit!!

Also! Were so close to 800 reads! I know it may seem little but I just wanted to tell you I count have done this without you!!! 

PS. I have this awesome song stuck in my head and I would really like to recommend it to you, it's called: Snowman - Sia  

Also I am so sorry for not updating earlier, but to make up for it, here is a 2500+ word chapter!! 

Also fun fact, but if you say 'Rise Up Lights' in an american accent, it actually sounds like you're saying 'Razor Blades' in an Australian accent. 


Ryland walks slowly, avoiding the pieces of concrete and metal that are littered on the road. the cold wind blows her hair softly backwards, making her shiver. Her heels clock against the pavement, making the others know that she is still alive. 

She trails behind the rest of the team, taking her time. 

She doesn't want to talk to anyone, and she doesn't want anybody to talk to her.

What had happened a few minutes ago wasn't normal. It was something she had never experienced before, and it sure as hell was something she never wanted to happen again. 

Ryland keeps on walking - a little bit faster now-  focusing on the cracks in the pavement, and counting the steps she is taking. Anything to keep her mind of herself. 

Besides her, the rest of Task-Force X walks, and Rick and his soldiers walk in front of them, guarding the rest of the way.

As much as Ryland wants to tell Rick about what happened, she knows it would only be a distraction from the problem that they are currently facing, and it would only put their lives even more in danger.

Everyone stops walking, which makes Ryland look up from the floor.

Rick is staring at the entrance of the building, watching intently, while the others just stand there, waiting for instruction.

Ryland stares at the building in front of her, taking a deep breath.

The tall structure over towers her, and the yellow hull it is emitting is only making her even more nervous.

She swallows nervously, and continues to stare at the building, not noticing how everyone else is in a defensive position.

The inside of the building is desert, the white bright lights illuminating what might have been an occupied front desk and lobby, but is now is just a pile of computers and scattered papers as well as broken windows. 

"Waller?" She hears Rick question into his radio. At the sound of his voice, Ryland starts walking forward, not wanting to be too far away from him, or anyone for that matter.

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