Chapter 18

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 Dedicated to: @quingabbie  ,  for adding this story to your reading list. You don't know how happy I am that people put my story on their reading lists, because I (personally) think it is because they liked it, and I hope you like this story, because today's chapter is dedicated to you!


Ryland watches from afar as Amanda climbs into the Helicopter, watching as Rick hands a briefcase to one of the other soldiers inside the helicopter and then steps back, letting the Helicopter go.

And for the first time in what might have been a long time, she feels herself becoming homesick. 

Watching how Amanda was going home, to a warm house. Or to her office, where the heat would be put on, and she wouldn't have to be walking on the dead of night, wandering though the streets.

And watching as the helicopter rose into the sky and flew away, she found herself wanting one thing, and one thing only. 

To go home. 

Then, just as fast as she is watching the helicopter take off, her breath hitches, and her eyes glass over. She tands there, motionless on the roof building. 

To a random soldier, it might have seemed like she was dreaming. But to her, she was watching as Amanda's helicopter was thrown into the ground by some unknown creature, crashing into a bus in a million pieces. 

She jolts awake looking around at everyone with wide eyes. 

Everyone seems to be calm, not realising what just happened, and she just stands there with open eyes, each breath becoming more and more laboured. 

"Ryland. What's wrong?" Rick asks, walking towards her with slight confusion as he watches her pale face. 

Ryland shakes her head, turning to look at Rick. 

"You - you didn't see that?" She asks warily, pointing towards the direction the helicopter just went and looking around at everyone, waiting for a response, only gaining confused looks. 

"See what?" Rick questions, taking another step towards her.

She shakes her head, taking a step towards Rick. 

"The helicopter. It crashed. My sister. Enchantress she crashed it" She says, looking at Rick with wide eyes. 

"What?" Rick asks, confused about the whole thing. 

"Are you sure?" He questions, his eyebrows furrowing as Ryland nods. 

He turns around, looking at the soldiers and walking towards them. 

"Get me a report" He says simply, earning a nod from the soldiers, who radio in their questions. 

After a few moments, the soldier turns around, walking towards him.  

"Officers confirm. She went down one K west" he tells Rick, who looks at him, his face emotion less. 

He looks at the soldier a moment more, before turning around to look at Ryland. 

"How did you know?" He wonders, his questions directed at Ryland, who shakes her head, confused. 

"I don't know. One second I was here and then the next it was like I was there, watching it fall" She tells him, her hands shaking. 

Everyone is silent, looking in shock at what had just happened. 

"Oh my god" Ryland whispers to herself in shock, bringing her hand to her mouth and turning her back on Rick.

"Let's go get her" Rick says, motioning to the remaining soldiers to follow him as he walks into what is the roof stairs. 

But he stops and turns around, watching warily at Ryland, who is standing there, looking over the edge of the building, not saying a word. 

He holds out a hand, motioning for the soldiers to wait for him there, while walking back towards Ryland, touching her shoulder softly. 

"Ryland. It's ok. I know you don't feel ok, but we need to keep moving. We need to" He says softly, running a hand though her hair softly. 

Ryland turns to look at him for a moment, and then nods, clearing her throat before starting to walk besides Rick. 

They walk down the couple of steps, stopping in front of the team and Deadshot, who is looking at Rick dead in the eye. 

"Mission's not over" Rick mutters, as he lets go of Ryland and holds his gun in his hands. 

Deadshot shakes his head, scoffing. 

"Nah. It is for me. We had a deal" He tells Rick, stepping closer to him, anger shimmering in his eyes. 

Rick shakes his head, looking directly at him. 

"Without Waller, you got nothing" He says, emotionless as he steps around Deadshot and walks ahead. 

"C'mon Ry" He says. Ryland turns to look at Deadshot with a sorry look, and then follows him, trailing down the stairs.


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, but, I promise there's upcoming chapters coming tomorrow, and the next day after that, all in a row! soooo.... 

Can you comment if you think it is a crappy chapter? I just feel like I haven't been on my best, but I think it will get better!

(And you will be seeing Ryland turn into Keeper soon. PS so you want another flashback of her and Rick, because I could do that if you wanted to see more of Keeper.  

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